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Bike Plan account at UIF for donations (Ongoing)

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To donate in support of the Campus Bicycle Plan, go to and reference Campus Bicycle Plan Implementation and Mission Fund (11338548) in the Gift Designation section.

The campus needs funding for bicycle related projects to meet the 2020 iCAP objective for completion of the Campus Bike Plan.  An account was recently set up with the University of Illinois Foundation for interested supporters to donate to sustain and advance all programming outlined in the Campus Bicycle Plan. This includes, and is not limited to: bike parking, bicycle program personnel, street/path planning, construction and implementation, bicycle facilities, and the Campus Bike Center. 


We are excited to announce the establishment of the 338548 Campus Bicycle Plan Implementation and Mission Fund. Donor gifts are truly transformative, and we are grateful for your support. Remember, it all adds up!

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Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Lily Wilcock


  • Proposed May 15, 2010
    Proposed by 2010 iCAP
    Investigated February 21, 2014
    Investigated by Morgan Johnston
    Started February 25, 2015
    Started by Lily Wilcock
