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University of Illinois Research Programs/Opportunities (Ongoing)

Recent Project Updates

  • 5/2/2016

    Rain gardens and barrels needed for study

  • 5/15/2014

    IDOT submitted an application for the Illinois Governor's Sustainability Award in 2014, for work completed in collaboration with the University of Illinois Crop Sciences department. 


Research is central to the sustainability of the University and the region. Already a world leader in sustainability and climate research, Illinois is developing opportunities for researchers from diverse disciplines to come together to explore new frontiers in discovering solutions to the challenges ahead. Innovative research collaborations focused on creating knowledge and new technologies are being developed to discover, analyze, and implement new approaches for meeting the "long emergency." For example, a new collaboration with the University of California, Berkeley on the development of bio-energy solutions recently formed. A Memorandum of Understanding with the Center for the Advancement of Sustainability Innovations in the Office of the Engineer Research and Development Center, has been established to pursue several areas of collaboration revolving around food, water, and energy.

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Departments Engaged in Sustainability Research


  • 2012-2013:

    83 departments engaged out of total 139 departments that conduct research

Faculty Members Engaged in Sustainability Research


  • 2012-2013:

    300 faculty engaged out of total 1,472 faculty members
