UES approves Energy004
The Energy004 recommendation was discussed at the spring 2021 Sustainability Sub-Council meeting and was then sent to UES to address. Rob Roman, F&S Director of Energy and Utility Services, sent the following response:
The Energy004 recommendation was discussed at the spring 2021 Sustainability Sub-Council meeting and was then sent to UES to address. Rob Roman, F&S Director of Energy and Utility Services, sent the following response:
Morgan White, Associate Director for F&S for Sustainability, responded to Dr. Ximing Cai and the Energy iCAP Team on behalf of Dr. Attalla and F&S, with the following email:
Hello Ximing, iWG, and Energy iCAP Team,
Thank you for the recommendation to work with Dr. Yun Yi and his students to develop energy models for campus facilities. We are pleased to implement this recommendation, as submitted to us.
The Sustainability Council is in support of the formation of a Green Labs Committee, as discussed at the meeting on November 29, 2021. Jan Novakofski, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, also expressed support. A training component and Certified Greener Campus Program opportunities will be two items to include in committee discussions.
The Sustainability Council is in support of the formation of a Green Labs Committee, as discussed at the meeting on November 29, 2021. Jan Novakofski, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, also expressed support. A training component and Certified Greener Campus Program opportunities will be two items to include in committee discussions.
The Sustainability Council is in support of the development of a Clean Energy Plan, as discussed at the meeting on November 29, 2021. Madhu Khanna and Ehab Kamarah agreed to work together on behalf of iSEE and F&S to move this forward and go through the RFP process.
Following is the response from Dr. Ehab Kamarah (on May 5, 2023) regarding the Energy011 Priority Technologies and Practices for a Clean Energy Plan recommendation.
Dear Dr. Fraterrigo,
We agree that this summary of current efforts towards carbon-neutral energy will be helpful, and we will coordinate the development of this document.