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Art-East Annex Studio 1 Daylighting

Project Description

This project proposes to improve the daylighting performance of the Art Annex East Building while simultaneously upgrading the building's envelope. Replacing the existing single pane windows with more energy efficient units will lower energy use while also allowing in more daylight. The existing windows are in poor condition. Many of these windows are not operating properly, some do not close completely, allowing conditioned air to escape. Many of the window panes have an opaque coating, limiting the amount of daylight inside the building. The Art Annex East building is used as a studio classroom for classes ranging from 90- 120 students each year.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2013 Allocated $50,000.00 4/24/2013 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2013
Semester: Spring
Status: Closed
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Energy

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Przemyslaw Swiatek (

Financial Advisor:

Vicki McGuiness (

Team Members:

  • Anna Hochhalter
  • Gaelan Finney-Day

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee