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An Energy Saving Demonstration for Remolding Old Structures at the ABE Farm – Phase 2

Project Description

This project aims to help meet the iCAP goal of energy conservation in buildings and provide a sustainable environment for student based activities including, but not limited to, RSO club meetings, research activities, hands on teaching labs, equipment development, construction & testing, and student group functions that promote student interaction and camaraderie. By replacing inefficient doors that are poorly sealed in the ABE Farm Manager/student offices and shop facility, this team will help achieve the iCAP goal of becoming better stewards of the environment, while saving funds that can be used for other activities. The desired outcome is three new fully insulated, sealing and operationally reliable overhead doors and operators that will assist in achieving our goals and provide for a welcoming and efficient learning environment. The cost of these upgrades will be recovered by energy savings in approximately 9 years or less, after installation. 

This project team also hosts visits from cooperation's, such as John Deere and AGCO, along with groups of high school students from throughout the state. Often times, the high school students have never visited a farm before, so this team can bring them into the show to show equipment and student projects. This team educates them on how all that food starts at the farm and ends up on the grocery store shelves.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2019 Allocated $24,000.00 12/13/2019 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2019
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Energy

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Tim Lecher (

Financial Advisor:

Ronda Sullivan (

Team Members:

  • Tim Lecher
  • Rebecca Biernacki
  • Nicholas Seiter
  • Lu-Ming Chen

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee