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- Energy Shade Curtains-Phase III
Energy Shade Curtains-Phase III
Project Description
Energy shade curtain systems operate by user programmable settings governed by outdoor temperature and solar radiation (light intensity). As temperature and/or solar radiation levels increase, curtains close incrementally to shade crops from an overabundance of light and helps maintain temperatures from
exceeding thresholds. Conversely, as temperatures decrease in late evening, curtains close to provide a thermal barrier from the outside environment. In tum, this helps to mitigate overuse of heating inputs required to maintain temperature. Another inherent benefit of curtains is the ability to optimize natural lighting to crop canopy. This allows this team to maximize use of natural lighting and minimize activation time of high intensity discharge lights. The SSC has provided the Plant Care Facility with funding for two phases of curtain installation.
A zero percent interest loan and grant funds have provided for twenty-two curtain systems in the past.This team is requesting additional grant funds from the SSC to install 7 additional curtains (phase III) in the Plant Sciences Laboratory Greenhouses. The project goals are to successfully install and program new curtains so that we can decrease unnecessary overuse of energy needed to heat, cool, and power greenhouse rooms. There are two desired outcomes for this project. The first outcome is to reduce use of natural gas energy consumed by Abbott Power
Plant to heat greenhouses. The second outcome is to mitigate use of electricity to power cooling equipment and HID lights. Curtain systems do provide these benefits.
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Funding Details