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Fermentation Club (Microgrant)
Project Description
This is a new club that focuses on making fermented products such as kombucha, cheese, hot sauce and sauerkraut. Doing this at home will help minimize waste from packaging and shipping, as well as create a sustainable source of these products. This project team will develop and teach new members how to make these products in the FSHN Pilot plant. By getting members excited about sustainability and home cooking, this project will reduce emissions and help make a better planet.This project saves on packaging waste by using reusable glass jars. In addition, this team will save energy because there will not be any shipping. Encouraging preparation of products at home saves the environment by allowing more people to more easily reuse bottles, cans, and anything that a fermented product would come in. It also saves on shipping waste as the ingredients nearly always weigh less than the final packaged products. Finally, it allows students to go to the store less which saves on personal vehicle emissions
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