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Illini Lights Out (2016)

Project Description

Conducting light audits is a simple, fun and interactive way of engaging students with energy conservation while raising awareness of energy usage as it relates to climate change. There are currently no energy conservation initiatives on campus that are solely targeted to students year-round. Students will be collecting data on the number of lights turned off for each building each month and discover trends in user behavior over time. The ‘Illini Lights Out’ pilot was a highly successful event. It reached students across many fields and was a low cost option for engaging the campus community. This campaign addresses Objective 4 of the Energy Conservation and Building Standards SWATeam (Chapter 2 of iCAP) – to engage and incentivize the campus community in energy conservation and to contribute to a comprehensive energy campaign. Many universities have already implemented light ‘audits’ as a way of engaging students and saving costs through energy conservation. Initiating a year-round light auditing program provides a way of sustaining engagement with energy conservation for the duration of the academic year. Engagement levels are easily identifiable (total number of student volunteers throughout the year) and the cost savings through emissions and dollars saved can be calculated with relative ease. ‘Illini Lights Out’ can act as an initial step to further engaging the campus by sending e-mails or posting notices/stickers in rooms to communicate a light audit had been performed and to remind users to please switch off lights before leaving.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2016 Allocated $1,000.00 11/3/2016 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2016
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Energy

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Alex Dzurick (

Financial Advisor:

Olivia Webb (

Team Members:

  • Alex Dzurick
  • Dr. Marian Huhman
  • Dhara Patel
  • Karl Helmink
  • Fred Hahn
  • Morgan Johnston

Project Award Letter

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee