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Illini Union Recycling Center Shadow Boxes

Project Description

This project aims to install proper waste collection infrastructure throughout the Illini Union. This project increases environmental stewardship by providing the campus community an opportunity to actively participate in eco‐friendly behaviors. Individuals encountering these recycling centers are more likely to question their personal habits and responsibly dispose of bottles/cans/paper. Recycling is a very easy choice that fosters future environmental stewardship. By encouraging this type of conscious behavior, it is likely that individuals will recycle in the future. 

With the implementation of this project, students are encouraged and given the opportunity to raise recycling rates across campus. After the recycling centers with the shadow boxes are placed throughout the building, it will be very difficult for students to avoid encountering the receptacles and their message. Each recycling center will have physical examples of each recycling stream and non-recyclable waste. Each center also has a label that tells exactly how many recycled plastic milk containers were reclaimed in the creation of a single bin. This educational component increases awareness for recycling efforts and serves as an example of successful recycling. Last, the project also raises awareness of the SSC’s funding impact on their student experience and campus life.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2020 Allocated $3,911.56 12/1/2020 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2020
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Food and Waste

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Louis Sommesi ( )

Team Members:

  • Louis Somessi
  • David C. Guth

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee