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A Living-lab Platform Based on the CIF Geothermal Project

Project Description

The goals of this project consist of: 1. Thorough investigation on the CIF buildings’ envelopes’ thermal properties, indoor and outdoor environments, weather conditions’ variation over a year, and the geothermal parameters. 2. Construct two models for designing the traditional HVAC system and the renewable geothermal HVAC system, based on input building information, ground loop heat exchanger geometries and climate conditions. 3. Develop an open-source, hands-on-easy tool software to quantitatively show the real-time energy transfer and energy savings of the CIF project. Convert the CIF geothermal project to a living-lab for educational purpose. Bring more visible information to the sight of public and students to arise their awareness of importance of renewable energy on campus. The desired outcomes include: 1. A software open to public and students to show the real-time savings on energy consumptions by using CIF geothermal heat exchanger. 2. A smart screen to display the animation and real values related with energy savings. 3. A report which lists the parameters and explain the models.The proposed project can be incorporated as part of the curriculum so that students can play a role in the project. Professor Xinlei Wang teaches two courses TSM 438 – Renewable Energy Applications and ABE 436 – Renewable Energy Systems which are both closely related with the utilizations of geothermal energy. This provides a great opportunity to involve students into geothermal space heating/cooling design. Undergraduate/graduate students will also be hired in the experimental measurements, which involves gathering data regarding the indoor and outdoor temperature variation. The CIF building can serve as a living lab for further educational purposes. The results of this project will be presented in the seminar and other events on this campus to increase students’ awareness on energy savings. The project will enable students to deeply understand the characteristics and utilization of geothermal energy in sustainable ways of space heating and cooling. By accessing to the open-source software toolbox, students can more clearly understand the energy-savings and emission reductions from the geothermal applications. This will enhance the students’ awareness on the importance of geothermal energy and stimulate further interests in this area.

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Funding Details

Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee (CETF) - 302571
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2020 Allocated $9,318.16 12/16/2020 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2020
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Education and Justice

Associated iCAP Portal Project(s)

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

John Zhao (

Financial Advisor:

Samantha Hurt (

Project Advisor:

Xinlei Wang (

Team Members:

  • John Zhao
  • Xinlei Wang
  • Yu-Feng Lin
  • Andrew J. Stumpf

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee