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Orchard Downs Multifunctional Landscape

Project Description

The Orchard Downs Graduate Housing Complex is a vibrant community of students and their families from over 70 countries. This community is very interested and engaged in sustainability issues as evidenced by the existence of the Orchard Downs vibrant community garden, their lively interaction with the adjacent arboretum, and other activities that take place in the complex. The area around the Orchard Downs community, therefore, is an optimal place to location and foster new sustainable land-use initiatives. Demolition of the oldest buildings at the community's northeast comer (SW comer of Florida Ave. and Race St.) in the late 1990s left approximately 17 acres of land now only utilized by the occasional dog-walker.

The primary goal of the project is to transform a portion of the Orchard Downs land area to an engaging multifunctional landscape. This landscape will include native plantings (prairie, savanna, and forest), edible fruits and nuts, educational interactions, organic art installations, and a recreational space that would provide Illinois students and nearby residents with the closest thing they have on campus to functioning, native ecosystem. The desired outcome is create a sustainable, healthy landscape that can serve as a model and learning tool for students, local residents, and campus visitors. The site exists as an interface with the community, so it would help to elevate the important work of SSC to promote sustainability on campus, with students and the public.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2013 Allocated $113,860.00 4/24/2013 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2013
Semester: Spring
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Land, Air, and Water

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Sarah Taylor Lovell (

Financial Advisor:

Anna Tammen (

Team Members:

  • Kevin Wolz
  • Dustin Kelly

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee