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Re_Home Wall Rehab & Siding

Project Description

The Re_Home was designed and built by student for the 2011 US DOE Solar Decatholon Competition. Following the competition, the house was set up at the Agricultural and Biological Engineering Farm Research and Training Center (ABE FRTC) and has been used by the Illinois Solar Decathlon and various departments. It serves as a valuable educational facility for students from different colleges and schools on campus to learn sustainable living with zero energy. Unfortunately, the wall and siding have deteriorated in the past nine years due to water intrusion. There is a need to rehab the wall and install new siding with a drainage plane system to increase the life span of the building and make it more usable for the Illinois Solar Decathlon and other organizations. Funding is requested to pay for the cost associated with the new siding. Once the renovation is completed, we will use the house for educational purposes for a wide variety of courses, visits by current and prospective students, as well as a staging area for the Illinois Autonomous Farm - a joint venture between teh Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering and the Center for Digital Agriculture that serves as a test bed for advanced artificial-intelligence-driven technologies for agriculture and related areas. 

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Funding Details

Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee (CETF) - 302571
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2020 Allocated $60,000.00 12/16/2020 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2020
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Energy

Associated iCAP Portal Project(s)

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Steve Ford (

Financial Advisor:

Samantha Hurt (

Team Members:

  • Steve Ford
  • Xinlei Wang
  • Tim Lecher
  • Sri Theja Vuppala

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee