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Renewable Energy House

Project Description

This project intends to make the 3D printed (approximately 1'x1.5'x2 in size) that would incorporate different types of renewable energy sources. In particular, we will use solar panels and wind turbines connected to voltmeters to show the electric output based on the environmental conditions. This team will put the house on a transparent soil and install the lights to demonstrate geothermal energy principles. They will also plant grass around the house and make a simulation of biofuel production. The renewable energy house will be used at outreach events at UIUC and local schools. The approximate agenda for this project is: 1. Designing and building a 3D printed house incorporating renewable energy sources. 2. Installing solar panels, wind turbines, and simulation of geothermal systems. 3. Building a platform for the house and seed grass around it to show biofuel production. 4. Using lights and fans of different intensity to generate electric output from the solar panels and wind turbines, while monitoring it with volt-meters. 5. Demonstrating principles of renewable energy generation to students and general audience to increase awareness on the role and benefits of renewable energies in sustainable development. 

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2021 Allocated $2,935.00 12/6/2021 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2021
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Energy

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Roman Y. Makhnenko (

Financial Advisor:

Heidi Thiele (

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee