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Revert to Earth; Student Recycling Behavior Research

Project Description

This project tackles one of the most prominent issues on campus; recycling contamination. Many recyclable materials end up going to landfills due to the missed location of contaminated waste. This research studies how different methods may affect students’ recycling behavior as an initial step in the implementation of a compost system. The three methods that will be tested are standardized labeling, implementing separate food waste bins, and education. Learning how students respond to these methods will provide insight into how the university should go about the matter of reducing recycling contamination.
The research study aims to have quantitative data that determines students’ recycling behaviors. The data will be collected in three places: two residential halls and the Union, which will have different types of waste, which may show different patterns in recycling behavior. Three different types of recycling pots will be placed in each of these places; the control group, a pod with prominent instructions on how to eliminate food contaminants, and a pod with separate food waste bins. The researchers will visit the site 4 days a week to record how many contaminants are in each respective bin and make observations. The results will then reveal 3 things: Would students recycle if they are informed better? Are students capable of separating food waste for the sake of a potential compost system? Are there any differences in the types of waste generated and the recycling patterns in different places? The study will be a useful tool to inform the university–what needs to be done to improve recycling and reduce recycling contamination.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2023 Allocated $2,065.00 5/5/2023 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2023
Semester: Spring
Status: Active
Student Led? Yes
Project Category: Food and Waste

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Hannah Kim (

Financial Advisor:

Hannah Kim (

Project Advisor:

Daphne Hulse (

Team Members:

  • Sakshi Vaya

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee