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Sustainable Student Farm Educator

Project Description

This proposal looks to further the University's commitment to local food consumption through continued support the Sustainable Student Farm (SSF). The SSF began in 2009 with a grant from the Student Sustainability Committee to begin producing locally grown vegetables for the University of Illinois community. In the first season, the SSF produced nearly 25,000 pounds of produce and generated approximately $25,000 in revenue, primarily through sales to University of Illinois Dining Services for use in the University dining halls. The exceptionally hot summer of 2010, combined with the high time/labor demand of high tunnel construction and farm expansion, led to a disappointing harvest for the second growing season. After three growing seasons, the SSF has achieved some of its goals, and has received considerable support from students, dining services, and the community. However, the SSF has not integrated the farm into the core mission of the university nor has it met the production goals for food delivery to Dining Services. The purpose of this grant is to develop a strategy to advance the missions of the farm, and to better align the farm with campus teaching, research, and outreach missions. As the University's only current capacity for producing local produce for campus, the SSF is an essential component of increasing campus sustainability through food production and education. Restructuring the SSF to facilitate these dual missions-food production and education/ outreach-and expanding farm personnel is essential in meeting these goals. Thus, the Student Sustainability Committee is in favor of funding a grant in the amount of $188,750 over three years.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2012 Allocated $188,750.00 2/15/2012 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2012
Semester: Spring
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Education and Justice

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Bruce Branham (

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee