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Weekly Update - Build-a-Bike, Quad Day, First Visit Free suspended

Posted by Sarthak Prasad on August 26, 2019

All, Busy week, per this time of year. We’re down to two bikes for sale. We’ll be suspending the First Visit Free policy this week as we’re getting too busy to accommodate free repairs. We’ve got a few of the “You don’t have a bike, I guess I’ll build one!” B-a-Bs going. Fortunately the current crop of available bikes are in good shape and don’t need anything too intense and intensive done to get them road worthy. There may be a few crusty-bearing wheels walking out but this is not the time of year for perfection.
Friday we were closed for Campus Recreation Student Staff Training, which went well. Saturday was our Illini Frenzy and Sunday was Quad Day, so it’s been busy to say the least. This week I’ve got a job recruiting opportunity this evening at the ARC from 8 – 9p. I’ll be attending that. Thursday after hours there’ll be a staff training for the Bike Center staff. So a fair bit of extracurricular activity this week!


The numbers:
Visitors: 123*
Sales: $2,278.60
Bikes (refurb): 10 for $1,475
Memberships: 13 for $390
Tires/tubes: 10 for $38



Jacob Benjamin
Manager, Campus Bike Center