CTAC meeting was held on Monday, April 15, 2024, focusing mainly on the Campus Bike Plan update. Please see attached the slides from meeting.
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Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) (Ongoing)
Recent Project Updates
CTAC meeting was held on December 1, 2023, focusing mainly on the Campus Bike Plan update. Please see attached the slides from meeting.
Project Family
The Campus Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) is an advisory body to Transportation Demand Management (TDM) at Facilities & Services (F&S) and the campus community on matters relating to campus transportation.
The committee will review aspects of surface transportation on campus, including pedestrian safety, bicycle facilities, transit, automobile traffic, and the interaction of all modes of travel on campus. The purpose of the committee is to advise Facilities & Services on transportation issues affecting students, faculty and staff. Responsibilities include items such as:
- Help identify needs and share information about pedestrian safety initiatives and priorities.
- Review and make recommendations for prioritizing bicycle infrastructure, education, and enforcement on campus.
- Provide advisory input to the Commuter Program under development.
- Review and comment on matters relating to student, faculty, and staff transportation, when needed.
Safe, efficient, healthy, and sustainable transportation for our students, faculty, and staff is important to campus. We appreciate your advice and assistance in pursuing the best services available at the most reasonable costs.
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Project Team
Project Leader:
Morgan White - ChairTeam Members:
- Stacey DeLorenzo - Ex-Officio
- Sarthak Prasad - Ex-Officio
Primary Theme: