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National Soybean Research Center

1101 West Peabody Drive
61801 Urbana , IL
United States

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Projects at this location

Project Description
Compost at National Soybean Research Center (NSRC)

The Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) is responsible for leading campus sustainability efforts. To set an example for students, faculty, and staff, iSEE is proposing a markable — and visible — program that will reduce waste and beautify campus.  

Indoor Bin Update

This project will improve the recycling process in buildings around campus by encouraging sustainable actions and improving the layout of waste and recycling bins within these buildings. Facilities & Services collaborated with ISTC to make an “Indoor Solid Waste and Recycling Collection Assessment”. This assessment determined that the type and layout of collection containers in buildings across campus should be standardized. An update would enable them to be co-located and allow for greater infrastructure consistency.

Freezer Challenge

"The International Laboratory Freezer Challenge promotes sample accessibility, sample integrity, reduced costs, and energy efficiency by harnessing a spirit of competition within and between laboratories. Challenge participants use well-evidenced criteria and best practices that support science quality and resilience while minimizing total costs and environmental impacts of sample storage."
click the link for more information and to REGISTER:

iSEE Collaboratory

At the heart of iSEE’s mission is training students to become the next generation of sustainability leaders. To help fulfill this mission, iSEE will develop a “collaboratory” — a new classroom, conference, collaboration, and communications space next to our offices in the National Soybean Research Center (NSRC). This new complex will include space for experiential learning, a collaboration incubator, and a communications laboratory.

Building Technologies Office

The Building Technologies office leads a network of research and industry partners to continually develop innovative, cost-effective energy saving solutions in building design. Some of the relevant programs under the Building Technologies office include 

  1. Emerging Technologies
  2. Residential Building
Styrecycle: Expanded polystyrene (EPS) recycling program

Numbers for plastic can be determined by surveying the bottom of the container. Styrofoam is categorized as plastic #6 (polystyrene). Dart Container in Urbana served as the primary vendor for Styrofoam recycling for both campus and the larger Champaign-Urbana community.

Sustainability Minor

The 2015 iCAP, chapter 10, objective 1 is, "Offer an undergraduate minor in sustainability, starting with about 20 students in FY16, that will provide in-depth learning about the three dimensions of sustainability and enable students to make connections between the different disciplines to solve problems related to sustainability."

Certified Green Office Program (CGOP)

You have the power to reduce the environmental impact of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE) and Facilites and Services (F&S) are proud to present the latest edition of the Certified Green Office Program, its initiative to engage the University community in a campuswide commitment to sustainability.

Institute for Sustainability, Energy, and Environment (iSEE)

The 2015 iCAP, chapter 12, objective 1 is, "Create a hub for the sustainability community: to develop a comprehensive online gateway for faculty, staff, students, potential donors, and all interested parties to find information about sustainability research, education, outreach, initiatives, and operations." In the quest to become a pre-eminent research university with a land-grant mission and global impact, integrating sustainable practices in our research, classes, and buildings – ev

ICECF 2008 Lighting Retrofit

The ICECF 2008 Lighting Retrofit was the first round of the T-12 to T-8 Lighting Retrofit Project. A total of 52,810 T-12 fixtures were replaced with thinner, more energy effiecient T-8 fixtures. This will incur a total Annual KWh  Savings of 8,630,641 hours. Thirty-one university buildings were involved in this round of the project. The total Simple Payback is estimated to be 2.13.

Second Nature Climate Leadership Award

In late 2011, the Office of Sustainability  submitted an application for the University of Illinois to the Second Nature Climate Leadership Awards program. Illinois was selected as a finalist and was requested to make a video showcasing sustainability efforts at the University. Illinois faculty, staff, and students expressed great pride for the video, which received the most votes (2,038) for Illinois' Carnegie classification.

Student Sustainability Committee (SSC)

The Illinois Green Fund (IGF) is North America's largest university sustainability funding pool. It is stewarded by the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC), a group of undergraduate and graduate students dedicated to building a more sustainable campus. With the partnership of a team of staff and faculty members, SSC allocates over $1.5 million annually toward the development and seed funding of projects that have an environmental impact on the university community.

Project Updates

  • 2/20/2025

    The meeting covered several key updates and discussions on sustainability initiatives. The Chair provided updates on the Green Training Program survey, seeking feedback on student engagement strategies.

  • 2/16/2025

    Dart Container at 1505 E. Main St., Urbana, accepts expanded polystyrene (EPS), more commonly known by its brand name Styrofoam, for recycling. Departments are encouraged to take EPS there to recycle this bulky material.