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Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) (Ongoing)


The Illinois Green Fund (IGF) is North America's largest university sustainability funding pool. It is stewarded by the Student Sustainability Committee (SSC), a group of undergraduate and graduate students dedicated to building a more sustainable campus. With the partnership of a team of staff and faculty members, SSC allocates over $1.5 million annually toward the development and seed funding of projects that have an environmental impact on the university community. The fund is financed through the collection of two student-initiated fees, the Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee (CETF) and the Sustainable Campus Environment Fee (SCEF). By providing consultation, thought leadership, and funding, the IGF and SSC empower Illinois students, staff, and faculty to be leaders in sustainability, environmental stewardship, and the future paradigm shift.

The SSC has five working groups for sustainability improvements on campus. Each working group is chaired by an SSC committee member and will explore possible projects for future funding within each focus area. In addition, working groups will review each funding application and recommend project funding to the general committee.

Energy: This working group will explore possibilities for carbon reduction through renewable energy, energy efficiency, and green building.

Food & Waste: This working group will explore possibilities to expand sustainable food consumption and responsible waste practices.

Land, Water, and Air: This working group will explore potable water use reduction, greywater use, and water conservation in campus facilities. As well as exploring carbon sequestration and reducing inputs for managing landscapes and matters pertaining to air quality and atmospheric compositions.

Education and Justice: This working group will explore ways to further incorporate sustainability into curriculum, programming, culture, environmental and social justice, as well as departmental educational missions.

Transportation and Infrastructure: This working group will explore alternative, low-carbon transportation options for students, faculty, and staff. As well as innovative new technologies to enhance sustainability in already established facilities.


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Project Team

  • Primary Contact:

    Codie Sterner and Sheri Glowinski

    Team Members:

    • Chair: Claire Keating
    • Vice Chair Internal: Liz Witek
    • Vice Chair External: Lily Perez
    • Vice Chair Communication: Tori Lawlor
    • Energy Chair: Aman Mehta
    • Transportation & Infrastructure: Karina Jang
    • Education & Justice Chair: Natalie Sinjaradze
    • Land, Water & Air Chair: Tessa Clarizio
    • Food & Waste Chair: David Bassey