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Green Research Committee-update

Posted by Quinn Connolly on June 2, 2023

Green Research Committee,


Jeremy and I met with Susan, Ehab, and Madhu last week to give them an update on our progress over the past few weeks. I have attached the topics discussed. Here is a brief summary of that meeting and how we propose to move forward.


  • The October deadline can be extended. However, if there are requests for campus funding, it is a good deadline since all the budget meetings with the Provost happen in the Spring. As long as we continue making progress, we will update them in October with what we have done by then.
  • When we write recommendations, we should consider the financial impact. Cost to implement and money saved following implementation.
  • Jeremy is going to put together a single document that includes the information Paul shared on Teams and more details for the topics discussed in the meeting. That will be shared with the committee.
  • Next meeting, we will discuss that document. Please read it before the meeting and write comments.


I will try to get something on the calendar soon.





Hi Morgan,

I am helping Jeremy write the combined document and am looking for your perspectives on 4 main items in this list, do you have 30 minutes to chat about these between now and the end of the week?


Thank you 

Paul Foote


Hi Morgan,

My edits for the Research committee working documents and included and in green font.

Jeremy is going to combine these documents for our next meeting on Tuesday.

In addition to reviewing my edits in the brainstorming document would you please also comment on the greater campus collaboration sections in the draft document?

Many stakeholders already use siloed versions of this across campus, i.e. Provost’s Office, individual Colleges and Departments, Capital Planning, Deferred Maintenance and F&S Utilities and Energy Services along with others.  A committee or team could pull all of these perspectives together and coordinate an overall metric system to accommodate the many priorities that each stakeholder values.


  • Plan for equipment cooling during construction/renovation to avoid one-pass water cooling.

Core program to work with F&S, Department heads and PI’s to develop design criteria for closed loop cooling applications possibly utilizing the chilled water loop when feasible for process cooling etc…


  • Establish and begin transitioning to a space utilization strategy to create flexible spaces and support the growth of interdisciplinary work. Sustainable lab design incorporates flexible spaces an effort that involves the PI’s, Deans, capital planning and other stakeholders to coordinate these types of designs. The Core Program can help advocate for these flexible spaces, identify and start conversations for flexible opportunities, break down barriers to communication and operating in silos.


Along with this from the Brainstorming document

Employ green lab director, industry standard range $65k to $85k and up depending experience level, or could hire an existing staff/faculty with a dual role position and similar qualifications with parallel work goals, outcomes or responsibilities and shared leadership and wage responsibility.

An example of a shared position would be their current wage plus an additional wage for the Green Research Position/Role and shared leadership for their reporting line. Many units have this on campus already.


Which answers this question at the bottom of the draft document

  • Should we recommend where a Green Research program should reside organizationally?  Possibly all 3 departments OVCRI, ISEE and F&S.  



Thank you 

Paul Foote


Hi Jeremy,

I sent this to Morgan for feedback if she has time.


Please find my edits in the documents attached for the Green Research Committee.



Paul Foote