Green Research Budget
Steph and I have been sending ideas on this back and forth for a few days. Wanted to share it as a starting point for our discussion this afternoon.
Training software - $1000
Swag - $2000
Professional development travel: $4500
Student help: $20,000
Salary: $65,000-$75,000
Food, shirts, recognition: $5,000
Computer, telecom, supplies, PPE, transportation: $1,500
Web presence (link to iCAP portal): $15,000
Total ~$114,000-$124,000
Additional considerations
- If soft money, will need to fund fully burdened salary.
- Contingency, escalation and inflation.
- How will materials for initiatives be funded? Initial initiatives include shut the sash stickers, GRP branded equipment timers (swag item, departmental/lab purchase), and reduce/reuse/recycle equipment (shelves, etc.).
- What about new initiatives/pilot programs? Will GRC need to perform costs-benefit analysis and secure funding through other means (e.g., SSC) or include a budget line. For a 5 year pilot this may be irrelevant
Dear Jeremy and Stephanie,
Attached please find a draft budget, per our conversation yesterday. Please let me know if I need to edit anything and please share the draft with Morgan for her input.
Thanks for putting this together! I think it looks good to me.
Jeremy- do you want to share with Morgan?
I checked with IT on computer costs. We are no longer charged for phone access. That went away with Skype. Here’s what I received for hardware costs:
For the laptop it's a 2880 dollar buy in with 60 dollars a month fees after meaning in 48 months it will pay for the next one. For desktop the structure is the same and is a 1680 dollar buy in with 35 dollar monthly fees. The monitors and dock are included in this cost in both cases (although of course there's no dock on a desktop)
I know I missed adding computer(s) for the students. Students are usually provided desktops. I’m guessing we have some in the building that share but in general each student has their own because schedules usually overlap somewhere. If there’s no objections I can add the initial purchase of 2 desktops to FY24 and increase the other years by $70ish to account for the monthly fees.
I also think we can probably lower the web presence costs in years 2-5. Maybe $5k in 2-5 for maintenance and minor customizations?
Thank you for checking into the technology costs. Your edits work for me.
Morgan provided comments on the revised budget asking that professional development for FY24 be removed and the full $5,000 for events/recognition in FY24 be included. Those changes along with the charges for computers have been addressed in the attached.
Jeremy and Stephanie,
I hope you had a great holiday and weekend. Thank you for providing the revised draft budget. I don’t have any additional recommendations. I am meeting with Susan Martinis on Wednesday and will confirm the next steps with her. I’m copying Patty Jones so that she has an opportunity to review the draft budget as well.
I’ll follow up with you both after I meet with Susan.
Thanks again,
Dear Jeremy, Stephanie and Patty,
I met with Susan this afternoon and she supports moving forward with the draft budget. Perhaps the four of us can meet to discuss the next steps with regards to pursuing contributions for the pilot. I’m not familiar with the SSC process. Susan indicated that these funds should be pursued and that perhaps other units would be willing to contribute to the Pilot.
I think we should include Morgan White in the discussion. Assuming funding is secured the program will fall under her and she is familiar with the SSC process and other potential funding sources.
Thank you, Jeremy,
I am copying Jamie Willard to request her assistance in scheduling a 30-minute zoom call with the three of us and Morgan White to discuss the Green Research proposal.
Good morning, All,
I have taken a look at calendars to schedule this 30-minute zoom meeting to discuss the next steps with regards to pursuing contributions for the pilot and the SSC process. There is not a clear time that everyone can get together so I am asking for you to fill out the doodle below and see if there is any flexibility to be able to schedule this before winter break.
Sharee Robinson
Patty Jones
Jeremy Neighbors
Stephanie Hess
Morgan White
Thank you for your time in this matter.
Good afternoon,
My apologies on the delay of scheduling this meeting. I have talked to Sharee Robinson and she has confirmed that with the challenging calendars, this meeting can wait until after the winter break. I would like to schedule this zoom meeting for Monday, January 8th 10:30-11:00am.
Please let me know if this will not work for you at your earliest convenience. I will be sending an electronic invite with zoom link shortly.
That works for me. Thanks for coordinating everything Jamie.
Jeremy Neighbors