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Low-cost Inspection and Sustainable Repair of Campus Pavements

Project Description

On the UIUC campus, the total pavement network is approximately 1.2 million ft². Monitoring this pavement network is commonly done through condition assessments to maintain their sustainability and structural integrity. It has been proven that early detection of cracks is needed for essential maintenance tasks. However, the traditional inspection techniques require experienced field personnel by how the field personnel is trained. This projects deliverables include new, faster, and cheaper technology based on smartphone and drone imaging for cracks that can be done involving the campus students. Also, this project supports new sustainable and durable sealant for the rapid repair of pavement cracks. This project will be located on the roads across campus.The benefits of this project include better conditions of the pavement network across campus for everyday use. Also, with less financial resources going towards pavement repair, the University is able to provide other investments for students. This project will create an opportunity for student learning experiences surrounding computer vision and automated crack detection, along with the importance of pavement inspection and repair for sustainability purposes. One Ph.D student and one MS will be directly involved on this project for 2 years.  

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2021 Allocated $76,000.00 12/6/2021 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2021
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Transportation and Infrastructure

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Nishant Garg (

Financial Advisor:

Nishant Garg (

Team Members:

  • Hamza Samouh
  • Hossein Kabir
  • Sarthak Prasad
  • Ryan Welch
  • Morgan White
  • Stacey DeLorenzo

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee