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Krannert Center for the Performing Arts (KCPA) Lobby Lighting

Project Description

The Lobby of KCPA is a large 5,000 square foot student-centric multiuse area, arguably one of the most used spaces in one of the most iconic buildings on the campus of UIUC. The facility hosts an estimated 200,000 thousand guests, employees, faculty and students every year. The project would encompass the replacement of 560 recessed ceiling light fixtures in the lobby that joins the four performing arts theatres. The original trim of the fixtures would remain. Approximately eight years ago, the 560 incandescent fixtures (150 watts each) were replaced with an early generation version of LED fixtures (32 watts each). That installation resulted in the exceptional annual reduction of 466,449 Kwh (592,943 – 126,494). This installation was a major energy saver for the building and the campus.

The goal of this project would be to replace the existing 560 LED fixtures (32 watts each) with new LED fixtures (18 watts each) that have the advantage of long term fixture life and with the added advantage of simply unscrewing an old LED lamp after 10 years or so and screwing in a new LED lamp. Such an upgrade from older LED technology to current LED technology would further reduce the energy consumption of these 560 fixtures from 89,062 Kwh to 50,097 Kwh annually, an additional 44% savings over the current usage. In addition, over the long term, the realization of not having to replace fixtures every ten years would be a further savings to the campus and amplify the work of the SSC and its contribution to such an effort.​ 

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Funding Details

Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee (CETF) - 302571
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2017 Allocated $150,000.00 2/20/2017 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2017
Semester: Spring
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Energy

Associated iCAP Portal Project(s)

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

​Gaines Hall​ (​

Financial Advisor:

​Cynthia Cae Howard (​)

Team Members:

  • ​​Gaines Hall​
  • ​​Michael Williams​
  • ​​Cynthia Howard​
  • Gregory Anderson

Project Award Letter

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee