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Sustainable Agricultural Food System-Phase II

Project Description

This application is the funding request for Phase 2 of a 3 phase project originally submitted in spring 2013. The first phase was fully funded by the SSC. The project was started after Brian attended a SSF open house and spoke to Zack about their successes and challenges on the farm. After many discussions with Zack, FSHN faculty and staff, and Dining Services, it was determined to be a viable project with tremendous potential. The goal is to operate a model local food system that provides sustainably processed tomato sauce, made from freshly grown tomatoes, to the campus Dining Halls. They plan on making this project, its experiences, and data accessible to the campus community and others involved in the local food movement. A long term goal would be to expand the products that we can handle to include all commonly grown produce in Illinois. There is a great need to expand this knowledge, and the USDA is motivated in the local food movement.

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2013 Allocated $387,000.00 4/4/2014 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2013
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Food and Waste

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Brian Jacobson (

Financial Advisor:

Janice Trudell (

Team Members:

  • Juan Andrade
  • Youngsoo Lee
  • Nicki Engeseth
  • Zack Grant
  • Bruce Branham
  • Christopher Henning
  • Dawn Aubrey

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee