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Key Objective: 46. Process for Purchasing Local Carbon Offsets

Purchase additional carbon offsets locally. - make sure we do not double count (Additionality).

Associated Metric

No metric specified for this objective


"Incentivize the establishment and use of a local carbon registry for purchasing local carbon offsets."


Project History

  • 4/25/2023

    iCAP Resilience Team had their last meeting of the academic year on Tuesday, April 25th, at 1PM. The team edited the Carbon Offset Statement. The team will send this this statement as a recommendation format to the iWG.

  • 9/12/2022

    Meredith Moore and Tyler Swanson of iSEE met with Alicia Freter of the ACES Study Abroad office on August 31st to discuss options for developing a carbon offset program for students studying abroad in the college of ACES.