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Key Objective: 7.2 Sustainable Plantings & Maintenance Across Campus

The 2015 iCAP, chapter 7, objective 2 is "Design and maintain campus landscapes in a more sustainable manner; expand the specification of sustainable plantings in campus landscaping standards, and develop and implement a tree care plan by FY16 and an integrated pest management program by FY17."

Associated Metric

No metric specified for this objective


A Sustainable Plantings Consultation Group could be formed to evaluate existing campus landscaping standards and to identify ways in which these standards should be changed to increase the use of native and sustainable plantings across campus.  This group would include experts at F&S, the Prairie Research Institute, and other faculty and staff with relevant expertise.  Expansion of native and sustainable plantings would provide benefits in terms of reduced maintenance and irrigation needs, as well as in increased biodiversity, an example being pollinators.  It is also important to evaluate campus maintenance practices with respect to landscaped areas.  Campus could develop and implement a tree care plan, as well as an Integrated Pest Management program.  

Associated Project

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