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Key Objective: 9. Update Standards for New Construction, Major Renovations, and Replacement Units

Use instantaneous and semi-instantaneous hot water heaters; convert CAV reheat to VAV; eliminate summer steam usage; use variable speed drives for fans and pumps; green and white roofs: and building energy requirements.

Verify new standards reflect these commitments.  Tom Abram has already done the majority of these - need to confirm they are all is in the revised standards.  

Associated Metric

No metric specified for this objective


"The University will require all new buildings and major renovations to meet the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold Standards by 2011.2 By 2015, these requirements will be raised to LEED Platinum, and applied to Urbana-Champaign property. Additionally, all currently planned new construction and major renovation projects will be required to demonstrate at least a 30 percent improvement in building energy performance over the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 90.1 (latest year) standards for total building energy use."

Associated Project


Project History

  • 12/13/2023


  • 12/2/2022

    The Energy iCAP Team met on Friday, December 2nd, 2022 to discuss potential recommendations on standards for new buildings and developing a committee of energy researchers to share knowledge across campus.