SSC funded the Campus Bike Parking Overhaul, Phase 1 project in FY12 for $225,000. Please see attached the final report pertaining to this project.
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Psychology Laboratory
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Projects at this location
Project | Description |
Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration (ISER) |
This program applyies the Department of Energy's technical expertise to help ensure the security, resiliency and survivability of key energy assets and critical energy infrastructure. |
Building Technologies Office |
The Building Technologies office leads a network of research and industry partners to continually develop innovative, cost-effective energy saving solutions in building design. Some of the relevant programs under the Building Technologies office include |
Structural and Architectural Engineering and Materials (SAEM) |
SAEM aims to enable sustainable buildings and other structures that can be continuously occupied and/or operated during the structure’s useful life. The SAEM program supports fundamental research for advancing knowledge and innovation in structural and architectural engineering and materials that promotes a holistic approach to analysis and design, construction, operation, maintenance, retrofit, and repair of structures. |
FY10 RCx |
The Fiscal Year 2010 Retrocommissioning efforts completed seven more buildings. This year, the Student Sustainability Committee also contributed to funding the RCx efforts for the Illini Union Bookstore. |
ICECF 2008 Lighting Retrofit |
The ICECF 2008 Lighting Retrofit was the first round of the T-12 to T-8 Lighting Retrofit Project. A total of 52,810 T-12 fixtures were replaced with thinner, more energy effiecient T-8 fixtures. This will incur a total Annual KWh Savings of 8,630,641 hours. Thirty-one university buildings were involved in this round of the project. The total Simple Payback is estimated to be 2.13. |
FY12 SSC Bike Parking Upgrades |
In FY12, the Student Sustainability Committee approved $225,000 to upgrade a number of bike parking locations on campus. Facilities & Services is completing the work to upgrade these locations by the end of Summer 2013. |
Project Updates
Please see attached the inventory spreadsheet.