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Campus Sustainability Funds to Support Cover Crops
Posted by Quinn Connolly on July 7, 2023
The following is an email conversation between Adam Davis, Morgan White, and Jen Fraterrigo.
On June 29, 2023 Adam sent the following email:
Good morning, Jen and Morgan
The REC staff has asked me whether there will be any Campus Sustainability funds to support cover crops this year? I’m wondering whether last year’s request was considered and approved? We would like to increase the acres of Crop Sciences research ground that’s in cover crops, and could use some financial support in purchasing more cover crop seed.
Hi Adam,
When would funding need to be available?
The sooner the better—we need to purchase more cover crop seed, which will take 3-4 weeks for delivery. Planting would happen towards the end of September, so funds by early to mid-August would be important to get it done this year.
On July 7, 2023 Jen replied:
Hi Adam,
The Sustainability Council was supportive of increasing land planted with cover crops; however, it is not a funding body and therefore cannot support this effort financially. If the department or college cannot provide funding, I suggest applying for funding from the SSC Green Fund. Unfortunately, the timing may not work for this year.
Happy to discuss more if it would be helpful.
Thanks for this suggestion, Jen. We’ll self-support the increase in seed this cycle, and put in an application to the SSC green fund for next growing season.
Adam Davis