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Facility standards for hydration stations (water fountains)

Posted by Quinn Connolly on October 31, 2023


Hi Mike,


I hope this message finds you well! I am Daphne, and I work under Pete Varney in TBS as the campus zero waste coordinator. I currently serve as the iCAP Zero Waste Team chair, and this year the team has been given a charge to develop a new facility standard for major reconstruction and new construction projects to include bottle-style hydration stations for new or replacement water fountains. A picture of an example hydration station has been attached.


I wanted to reach out and see if it would be possible to meet and discuss what the existing information is regarding facility standards for hydration stations?


Thank you!





Would you be able to discuss this with Daphne, I can set it up if so?


Looks like the FS calls for a bottle filler as part of a water cooler.  Daphne’s picture looks like an independent unit.


I doubt BMG (formerly OMA) will want to maintain another unit.







Here’s a cut sheet of a typical high-low water cooler with bottle filler.







Below is a snipit of our Facilities Standards concerning the electric water fountain which includes a bottle filler, and attached is a cut of a unit.


If you would still like to chat, let me know, and I will set it up for next week.


We are also wondering, are you contemplating installing the hydration station in lieu of a standard water fountain, or in addition to the  other units?






Hi Morgan & Jen,


Looping you in here for input before meeting with Mike. We are intending to make the standard for water fountains to include the bottle filler piece in all circumstances, is that correct? From what Mike is sharing here, it appears that the bottle filler piece is already included in the standard.


Thank you,



Hi Daphne,


I would like to see bottle fillers (*without a filter indicator light*) included with all new water fountain installations.


Regarding Mike’s question: “We are also wondering, are you contemplating installing the hydration station in lieu of a standard water fountain, or in addition to the  other units?” 

If I understand correctly, this is a moot point because the unit we want is already the campus standard. Am I missing something?


