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Invitation: Franklin STEAM Academy Earth Day Outreach

Posted by Quinn Connolly on March 6, 2023

Below is an email exchange between William Villaflor from the Urbana Community Learning Lab and Stacy Gloss:

I am reaching out to invite you to participate in Franklin STEAM Academy's Earth Day/Month celebration. Throughout the month of April, Franklin Middle School, located in Champaign, is looking to organize a full month of events, guest speakers, and engaging learning opportunities to educate and empower their students to grapple with issues surrounding environmental justice, sustainability, and conservation.


Franklin is open to a variety of topics that would inspire students' passion for the earth and the environment; some examples of ideas include: a presentation on local conservation efforts, a hands-on opportunity to work with plants and animals, creating compost bins, environmental career exploration, etc.


If you are interested in this opportunity and determining whether this will be a good fit for your organization, we would be happy to connect you to the best person at Franklin STEAM Academy. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.




William Villaflor and the CLL Team


Good morning friends and colleagues,


I have learned of a request for participation in Franklin Middle School's Earth Month activities coming up soon. 

Please contact Will Villaflor....if you are interested and able to participate.




Stacy Gloss
