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Projects Updates for Sustainability Engagement and Outreach
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iCAP Engagement Team November Meeting
Associated Project(s):On Friday, November 22nd, the iCAP Engagement Team held its monthly meeting. The team discussed ways to engage the campus community more, specifically students, and shared updates on OneIllinois, Greener Campus, and Earth Month. We discussed the possibility of using social media to increase engagement or physical fliers and posters. We also welcomed a guest speaker from the Zero Waste Team who discussed Sustain Illinois, a magazine that outlines what is currently happening around campus as well as how the average person can become involved in sustainability in the community. We also discussed having in-person meetings and events next semester for the team and small ways we can all be more sustainable. One call to action was for staff and faculty to consider making their office spaces green-certified and brainstorming ways to reach the Greek life population. Our next meeting will be December 20th.
Engagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):Introduced new clerk and team members. The team brainstormed updates for the ‘24-’25 mission statement, with members assigned to bring suggestions to the next meeting. The second half covered team objectives for the year, including creating a green training program for employees, improving outreach to incoming students, running green-certified events, and increasing student participation in sustainability.
Attached Files:Invitation: Franklin STEAM Academy Earth Day Outreach
Associated Project(s):Below is an email exchange between William Villaflor from the Urbana Community Learning Lab and Stacy Gloss:
I am reaching out to invite you to participate in Franklin STEAM Academy's Earth Day/Month celebration. Throughout the month of April, Franklin Middle School, located in Champaign, is looking to organize a full month of events, guest speakers, and engaging learning opportunities to educate and empower their students to grapple with issues surrounding environmental justice, sustainability, and conservation.
Franklin is open to a variety of topics that would inspire students' passion for the earth and the environment; some examples of ideas include: a presentation on local conservation efforts, a hands-on opportunity to work with plants and animals, creating compost bins, environmental career exploration, etc.
If you are interested in this opportunity and determining whether this will be a good fit for your organization, we would be happy to connect you to the best person at Franklin STEAM Academy. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
William Villaflor and the CLL Team
Good morning friends and colleagues,
I have learned of a request for participation in Franklin Middle School's Earth Month activities coming up soon.
Please contact Will Villaflor....if you are interested and able to participate.
Stacy Gloss
The spring SDA webinar event
Associated Project(s):Below is an email exhange regarding a spring 2023 SDA Webinar:
Dear Wanjhen,
Thanks for Yu-Feng's arrangement. It seems that all invited speaker have agreed that our first SDA webinar will be hold on 8:30am-10:30am, 4/11 in Taiwan (7:30pm-9:30pm CDT, 4/10 in U.S.). Can you help us in announcing the Webinar to our colleagues in the Future Earth Taipei, and also arrange the on-line virtual meeting affairs(invitation letters, lecture fees, links, softwares, login.....) for our international speakers?
The title for the spring SDA webinar in Future Earth Taipei is "Campus Sustainability Actions as a Living Laboratory"
Here is our invited speakers and agenda:
0. Introduction: Dr. Ping-Yu Chang, (5min.) Professor, National Central University ,Taiwan; Secretary, SDA in Future Earth Taipei
1. Dr. Yu-Feng Forrrest Lin (15 min.), Director of Illinois Water Resources Center; Principal Research Hydrogeologist in Illinois State Geological Survey; Clinical Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2. Dr. Andrew Stumpf (15 min.), Principal Research Scientist, Prairie Research Institute in Illinois State Geological Survey; Co-founder of Illinois Geothermal Coalition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
3. Ms. Morgan White (15 min.), F&S Associate Director for Sustainability, Interim Director of Capital Programs.
4. Mr. Jack Reicherts(15min.), Chair of the Student Board, Illinois Green Fund and Student Sustainibility Committee
5. Dr. Jui-Pin (Rubin) Tsai (15 min.), Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University
6. Q&A time (15 min.).......(I saved 25 min. if we have delayed or further discussion)
Thanks for your great helps. Let us anicipate the webinar then!
Best regards,
Ping-Yu Chang
Secretary, SDA Group in Future Earth Taipei
Hi Ping-Yu,
I think it might be better to yield my time to Andy, Morgan and Jack for them to talk 20 minutes each. If you really want me to speak, I can give a quick introduction to on campus as a living lab concept for 3 minutes.
Hi Team,
I would like to initiate our discussion by suggest the workflow of this webinar:
- Introduction: Ping-Yu (5 min.) – End with our previous and current collaboration as the transition to Yu-Feng
- Definition of Campus Living Lab: Yu-Feng (5 min.) – End with UIUC is a perfect testbed as the transition to Morgan
- UIUC Campus Administration on Sustainability as a Living Lab: Morgan (15-20 min.) – End with the student partnership as the transition to Jack.
- UIUC Student Actions on Sustainability as a Living Lab: Jack (15-20 min.) – End with geothermal projects as an example for the transition to Andy.
- Geothermal research development at UIUC: Andy (15-20 min.) – End with current international collaborations with Europe (Powell Center and Groundwater Special Issue), South America (Columbia and Brazil), Japan and Taiwan (as Ping-Yu mentioned in the beginning) as the transition to Jui-Pin.
- Progress and opportunities in Taiwan, and conclusion: Jui-Pin (15 min.)
Please feel free to share your ideas on the workflow, time, contents, and anything else.
Yu-Feng F. Lin
Meeting with U of Vienna
Associated Project(s):Madhu Khanna, Jennifer Fraterrigo, Meredith Moore, and Morgan White met with Christoph Kecht and his team from the University of Vienna, which was the first climate neutral university in Austria. We shared information about our UIUC iCAP programs and they shared information about their efforts and the attached report.
Attached Files:ILC Sustainable Leadership Presentation
Associated Project(s):Lucy Nifong, with the Student Sustainability Committee, shared the attached slides with campus sustainability staff, for an upcoming sustainability leadership workshop at UIUC.
Attached Files:Aug 2022 Office Of Corporate Relations Newsletter
Associated Project(s):See the included link to view the newsletter from the Office of Coroporate Relations.
Engagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Engagement iCAP Team had their final meeting of the semester on Friday, April 29. The team met with Shachar Meron, senior lecturer in the Department of Advertising, to discuss iSEE's partnership with the ADV 498 Capstone Course. The iCAP Portal & iSEE Jobs Dashboard were also discussed. Meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files:Engagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Engagement iCAP Team met on Friday, March 25 with Morgan White and Michael McKelvey to discuss the strengths and opportunities for updating the iCAP Portal. Potential recommendations will be clarified at their next meeting, including a How-To page, aesthetic changes, and utilizing analytics. Meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files:Engagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Engagement iCAP Team met on Friday, February 18 to discuss current ongoing recommendations, including: Sustainability TikTok challenge, College of Engineering Sustainability Leaders Learning Session, and a Sustainability Partnership with the ADV498 Advertising Capstone Course. Meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files:Engagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Engagement Team met on Friday, February 4 to discuss the three main recommendations underway: the iCAP Portal website, the Sustainability Champions committee, and the Social Media Marketing sustainability campaign. Meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files:Engagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Engagement iCAP Team met on Wednesday, January 12 to discuss and assign the four major recommendations to be drafted before the team's next meeting, including: updating the iCAP Portal, creating a departmental committee for sustainability, creating a social media marketing campaign, and integrating sustainability into the Career Center. Meeting minutes are attached.
Attached Files:Sustainability components added to campus tour script
Associated Project(s):The following sustainability topics will be added to the new student campus tours!
- Student Sustainability Committee (SSC): each year a group of graduate and undergraduate students vote on the funding for projects that have an environmental impact on campus, SSC allocates about $1.5 million annually towards these projects, the funds come from students fees, one of the largest green funds in American higher education today, have allocated $15.55 million towards funding 316 projects since 2008
- Composting: National Soybean Research Center has a compost tumbler, the first publicly accessible compost drop-off on campus with plans to expand
- Environmental Quad Day: environmental RSOs and sustainability groups showcase their green initiatives and participation opportunities
- Recycling: single-use mask recycling locations on campus; approximately 50 collection boxes available on campus to recycle single-use face coverings
- Climate Commitments: UIUC has committed to achieving carbon neutrality as soon as possible and has a Climate Action Plan (2020) to outline the campus sustainability plan to advance and achieve our goals
Engagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Engagement iCAP Team met on Tuesday, November 9 to ideate recommendations on each of the team's four themes: awareness & purpose, technology & visibility, culture & practicality, and inclusivity & relationships. The committee broke out into groups to generate lists of recommendations the team intends to pursue. Meeting minutes attached.
Attached Files:Engagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):On Monday, October 25, the Engagement iCAP Team met to synthesize the themes of sustainability engagement discussed at the team's previous meeting. The four major working themes include: Awareness & Purpose, Technology & Visibility, Culture & Practicality, and Connection & Relationships. Moving forward, the team will break into sub-committees to pursue each of these themes. Meeting minutes attached.
Attached Files:Engagement iCAP Team Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Engagement iCAP Team met on Tuesday, October 12 for an ideation session for recommendations for the upcoming semester. New members Kathy Adams, Sonali Kumar and Kavya Mula were introduced to the team along with Shibu Kar, the team's new co-chair! Meeting minutes are attached with a link to the recommendation ideation powerpoint.
Attached Files:Engagement iCAP Team First Meeting of the Fall Semester
Associated Project(s):The Engagement iCAP Team met on Wednesday, September 29 for the first time this fall semester. During the meeting, members discussed the team mission, updates on all 6 iCAP 2020 objectives, and the iCAP 2021 Objective Assessment. Meeting minutes are attached below.
Attached Files:Engagement Team Charge Letter
Associated Project(s):iSEE's Interim Director Madhu Khanna sent the Engagement iCAP Team a formal charge letter on Tuesday, September 14 detailing their campus sustainability duties this academic year. Full letter is attached.
Attached Files:Engagement iCAP Team Final Summer Meeting
Associated Project(s):The members of the Engagement iCAP Team met on Thursday, August 19 for their final meeting of the summer. At this meeting, members discussed three pending recommendations the team has been formulating throughout the summer--a sustainability section on the Illinois Homepage, sustainability sections of individual college websites, and uniform recycling signage for blue bins. Meeting minutes are attached below.
Attached Files: