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The spring SDA webinar event
Posted by Quinn Connolly on March 5, 2023
Below is an email exhange regarding a spring 2023 SDA Webinar:
Dear Wanjhen,
Thanks for Yu-Feng's arrangement. It seems that all invited speaker have agreed that our first SDA webinar will be hold on 8:30am-10:30am, 4/11 in Taiwan (7:30pm-9:30pm CDT, 4/10 in U.S.). Can you help us in announcing the Webinar to our colleagues in the Future Earth Taipei, and also arrange the on-line virtual meeting affairs(invitation letters, lecture fees, links, softwares, login.....) for our international speakers?
The title for the spring SDA webinar in Future Earth Taipei is "Campus Sustainability Actions as a Living Laboratory"
Here is our invited speakers and agenda:
0. Introduction: Dr. Ping-Yu Chang, (5min.) Professor, National Central University ,Taiwan; Secretary, SDA in Future Earth Taipei
1. Dr. Yu-Feng Forrrest Lin (15 min.), Director of Illinois Water Resources Center; Principal Research Hydrogeologist in Illinois State Geological Survey; Clinical Professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2. Dr. Andrew Stumpf (15 min.), Principal Research Scientist, Prairie Research Institute in Illinois State Geological Survey; Co-founder of Illinois Geothermal Coalition, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
3. Ms. Morgan White (15 min.), F&S Associate Director for Sustainability, Interim Director of Capital Programs.
4. Mr. Jack Reicherts(15min.), Chair of the Student Board, Illinois Green Fund and Student Sustainibility Committee
5. Dr. Jui-Pin (Rubin) Tsai (15 min.), Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University
6. Q&A time (15 min.).......(I saved 25 min. if we have delayed or further discussion)
Thanks for your great helps. Let us anicipate the webinar then!
Best regards,
Ping-Yu Chang
Secretary, SDA Group in Future Earth Taipei
Hi Ping-Yu,
I think it might be better to yield my time to Andy, Morgan and Jack for them to talk 20 minutes each. If you really want me to speak, I can give a quick introduction to on campus as a living lab concept for 3 minutes.
Hi Team,
I would like to initiate our discussion by suggest the workflow of this webinar:
- Introduction: Ping-Yu (5 min.) – End with our previous and current collaboration as the transition to Yu-Feng
- Definition of Campus Living Lab: Yu-Feng (5 min.) – End with UIUC is a perfect testbed as the transition to Morgan
- UIUC Campus Administration on Sustainability as a Living Lab: Morgan (15-20 min.) – End with the student partnership as the transition to Jack.
- UIUC Student Actions on Sustainability as a Living Lab: Jack (15-20 min.) – End with geothermal projects as an example for the transition to Andy.
- Geothermal research development at UIUC: Andy (15-20 min.) – End with current international collaborations with Europe (Powell Center and Groundwater Special Issue), South America (Columbia and Brazil), Japan and Taiwan (as Ping-Yu mentioned in the beginning) as the transition to Jui-Pin.
- Progress and opportunities in Taiwan, and conclusion: Jui-Pin (15 min.)
Please feel free to share your ideas on the workflow, time, contents, and anything else.
Yu-Feng F. Lin