- Bike Fee funding
- Morgan, Sarthak, Michael, and Stacey DeLorenzo discussed
Quinn Connolly trained the 2024-2025 iCAP Team clerks in how to use the iCAP Portal.
The iCAP 2020 objective 7.6 is to "Update the iCAP Portal on a monthly basis to report progress toward iCAP objectives." The responsible campus unit for championing this objective are iSEE and F&S.
This site is a repository for summary information about each iCAP project, both to share the information publicly and to assist in collecting information for reporting purposes. Each project page includes a project description, contact names, funding details, location map(s), metrics and targets to measure success, current status of the project, and regular updates as projects are discussed, approved, and implemented.
No description has been provided yet.
Project details last updated on: 7/12/2023. Check Project Updates for recent activity.