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Projects Updates for Sustainability iCAP Portal

Search tips:
  • This form will search for words in the title OR the description. If you would like to search for the same term(s) across both the title and description, enter the same search term(s) in both fields.
  • This form will search for any of the words you enter in a field, not the exact phrase you enter. If you would like to search for an exact phrase, put double quotes (") around the phrase. For example, if you search for Bike Path you will get results containing either the word Bike OR the word Path, but if you search for "Bike Path" you will get results containing the exact phrase Bike Path.


  1. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - September 6, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    • Bike Fee funding
      • Morgan, Sarthak, Michael, and Stacey DeLorenzo discussed
      • Decided to proceed with the plan to share funding details via Excel documents rather than funding tracking feature in iCAP Portal
    • Archiving projects (see last month's discussion)
      • Feature ready to use on live site
      • Simply set a Project's Record Status to Archived
      • Archiving currently only available for Projects; could add feature to other content types in the future
    • SSC Projects
      • Several years worth added
      • Updates/Questions from the SSC Clerks?


    • Project archiving
      • How do we get to archived projects?
        • Michael will add a link to the Administration page
      • Have we discussed when/why we would archive projects? Is there specific criteria?
        • Quinn has some spreadsheets from a project review
        • Mostly old projects that don't seem publicly relevant any more
        • For now, done on a case-by-case basis
    • iCAP Portal embedding in other websites
    • Project review is needed
      • Research programs are out of date; Miriam and Morgan will talk with iSEE management about it (probably)
      • Some families need to be condensed/culled - combination of deleting (w/o losing historical info) and archiving.
      • Examples:
        • Student RSOs
        • Duplicate projects/info
        • Empty projects
        • Excessive nesting
    • SSC Projects
      • Discussed progress adding SSC Projects - no issues at this time!
      • Quinn will propose linkages between iCAP Projects and SSC Projects
      • Next meeting: start with SSC Projects discussion
        • iCAP Portal homepage: where does SSC link go?
        • Add map to SSC Projects page


    • Michael:
      • Finish SSC Project embed
      • Allow more than 3 photos to be seen on SSC Projects - e.g. link to separate image gallery page like iCAP Portal Projects?
      • Project descriptions - big images cause "View Full Description" to look weird. See, e.g. Test project with TAC [ARCHIVED]
  2. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - August 9, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    • Permissions fix for items marked Private (for all Private items, see this listing: Content filtered by visibility: Private)
      • Quinn reported that iCAP Moderators had lost View access to items marked Private
      • This likely happened during a module update Michael made a few months ago
      • It has been fixed; let Michael know if any other permissions appear to be incorrect!
    • Archiving projects (see last week's discussion):
      • Show archival status as part of project title (e.g. Sustainability iCAP Portal [ARCHIVED])
        • " [ARCHIVED]" automatically appended to title for Archived projects
        • " [ARCHIVED]" automatically removed from Active projects
      • Hid archived projects from Sub-Projects listing
      • Hid archived projects from Related Projects listing


    • Archiving projects:
      • How do we feel about directly editing the title rather than appending a tag, like we do with Project Status?
        • Pros:
          • Archival status impossible to ignore - it always appears without Michael having to explicitly include it in a particular display
        • Cons:
          • Archival status always appears as part of the title - would there be times we want to display the title without the archival status?
          • Would we like the archival status to display differently, like the Project Status?
        • Decision: the group liked inserting the archival status directly into the project's title. We do not foresee problems with this approach down the road.
      • How do we feel about hiding the archived projects from Sub-projects and Related Projects listings?
        • Cleans up the listings from archived projects
        • Makes it harder to find archived projects in the hierarchy
        • Decision: this look good for now; we can revisit later if needed
    • Bike Fee funding
      • Morgan, Sarthak, Michael, and Stacey DeLorenzo will meet to discuss further
    • SSC Projects
      • SSC Projects management transferring from Codie to Sheri
      • Students will continue adding SSC Projects in earnest in the coming weeks
    • Finding items created by a specific person:
      • Find the person's profile page
      • Click the "Track" link to see all items they've created (won't show things they've updated that were created by someone else)
    • Morgan: after porting info to SSC Projects, what will happen to the iCAP Portal projects which existed solely to capture SSC funding info?
      • Will handle on a case-by-case basis, but most will likely be archived
    • SSC Project reports before 2012
      • SSC did not require reports on recipients' use of funds before about 2012
      • Some groups did proactively provide reports; may reach out to other groups to inquire whether they have reports to share
      • Morgan collected all the older reports she could find and shared them in Box
      • Other reports may have been uploaded to the iCAP Portal; some sleuthing may be required to find them, e.g.:


    • Michael:
      • Implement archival feature on live site (email iCAP Portal mailing list when ready since next meeting is a month away)
      • Finish SSC Project embed
      • Allow more than 3 photos to be seen on SSC Projects - e.g. link to separate image gallery page like iCAP Portal Projects?
  3. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - July 22, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    • SSC interns starting to enter SSC Projects
    • iCAP Teams starting to use Pending Tasks


    • Archiving projects
      • Example using a "Record Status" field with "Active" and "Archived" options
      • Questions:
        • How to display archived projects on associated Project Update & Metric pages:
          • Show project name w/o link? - No, we want people to still be able to reach archived information
          • Show a second listing of "Associated Archived Projects"? - No
          • ✔️ Show archival status next to linked project name?
        • Should we hide archived projects from being listed in other projects' Child/Related Project listings?
          • Yes, for now. We can find a way to make that information available later on if desired.
      • Thoughts:
        • Include "[ARCHIVED]" status in project title most places it's listed
        • Should remove project from most listings to keep information up-to-date, but keep it listed when tied to specific other information, e.g. Project Updates and Metrics (may want to demote it in Metrics may collect many associated archived projects over time)
    • Revisit Bike Fee funding discussion - Morgan recommends sharing broad funding details


    • Michael will keep working on the archived projects feature to show in more depth at next meeting
    • Next meeting needs to be rescheduled; Quinn is on it!
  4. Discussion about reporting Bike Fee funding - June 12, 2024

    Michael McKelvey and Sarthak Prasad met to continue discussing how to report Bike Fee funding in the iCAP Portal.


    After much discussion of ways to record and display the Bike Fee funding information, we decided the best course of action may be to not build out this funding tracking feature in the iCAP Portal at all. We may be best served by simply uploading an Excel file with all this information. The latest funding info spreadsheet can be added to the Bicycle Programs and Infrastructure Fee project each year, as well as a Project Update associated with the various impacted projects.


    Discuss this decision with Morgan to see if she agrees with this path forward.

  5. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - July 3, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    • Apologies for slowness on the iCAP Portal recently - it's fixed now!
    • SSC Projects
      • Discussions since our last meeting: Discussion about SSC projects in iCAP Portal - June 11, 2024 (Codie, Michael)
      • Codie built out the initial set of SSC Projects for Spring 2023
      • SSC Project embedding for the live site will be ready for testing soon - still ironing out a few things before it's ready for production
      • Question about avoiding document plagiarism: do we have concerns about providing documents that people can download, edit, and try to pass off as legitimate?
    • Places:
      • Fixed a couple Places stuck on Null Island
      • Improved All Places listing and added All Places (Map)
      • Fixed an issue that caused geocoding not to work
        • New Places: enter an address and save - it will automatically get geocoded.
        • Existing Places: select the "Re geocode" checkbox and save to force geo-coding
    • Bike Fee Funding
      • Discussion since our last meeting: Discussion about reporting Bike Fee funding - June 12, 2024 (Sarthak, Michael)
      • Decided not to try to add Bike Fee funding to iCAP Portal at this time - instead, upload an Excel file with the data. That will likely give users a more useful way to view the funding data.
    • Archiving projects:
      • What happens to Project Updates associated with an archived project? What should happen?
        • If one or more active projects are still associated with a Project Update, the Project Update should be visible
        • If no active projects (either 0 projects or only archived projects) are associated with a Project Update, should the Project Update be visible? It's much easier not to hide Project Updates in this situation, so hopefully the answer is 'yes' :-)


    • Document plagiarism:
      • The group agreed that if we're going to share documents, there's not much we can do to prevent plagiarism.
      • Only people with certain iCAP Portal permissions can change the official documents on the website, so we're not worried about the official public record - all a malicious user can do is edit a file on their own computer and try to pass it off as legitimate.
      • Sharing documents as images would have accessibility concerns
      • Trying to share documents as view-only would provide minimal protection; it would only require slightly more manual labor to recreate a letterhead than to download and edit an existing document
    • Archiving projects:
      • Using the Published checkbox is probably not the right solution, since we want to allow Archived projects to be publicly visible, just not by default in certain listings
      • Investigate another approach, possibly more like the Public/Private option already in use
    • Bike Fee:
      • Morgan advocates for sharing the Bike Fee info directly on the iCAP Portal rather than a simple Excel file
      • We can probably share Bike Fee info at a much broader level than we were thinking, so it's not too onerous to enter


    • SSC Projects:
      • Finish SSC Project embed
      • Allow more than 3 photos to be seen - e.g. link to separate image gallery page like iCAP Portal Projects?
  6. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - June 10, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    • Quinn’s updates
      • Working on updating the portal during the summer
      • Created three tracking sheets that I will share
        • Lists include In Progress and Ongoing projects, and metrics
        • Used Power Search to generate the lists and get the extra info!
      • Have already reached out to folks and received updates for a few In Progress projects
    • Power Search:
    • Recommendations:
      • See Recommendations Administration page for links to add new Recommendations and Recommendation Updates, as well as searchable/filterable listings of Recommendations and Recommendation Updates
      • New blocks available on project pages, at the bottom of the left-hand sidebar:
        • Recommendations are listed on any projects they're associated with
        • Recommendations are listed on any projects their associated iCAP Team is associated with
        • iCAP Teams are listed on any projects they're associated with
      • New iCAP Team content type
        • Currently used in Recommendations (for grouping recommendations by associated team) and Project Updates (for assigning Pending Tasks)
    • SSC Projects:
    • Archiving projects
      • Instead of adding an Archived/Active state checkbox, I propose we use the built-in "Published" checkbox.
        • Pros:
          • Built-in, already exists
          • No need to update every single display of projects - only displaying published projects already
        • Cons:
          • Usually an unpublished node would indicate draft content (since we don't have a workflow that requires draft approval, using the Published checkbox seems reasonable)


    • Dark Mode??


    • ✔️ Clerks should be able to view Pending Tasks
    • Archived projects - what happens to Project Updates?
  7. Discussion about SSC projects in iCAP Portal - May 3, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    Miriam Keep, Codie Sterner, and Michael McKelvey met to discuss progress on embedding projects from the iCAP Portal on the SSC website.


    • Michael's questions:
      • Ok to move SSC Projects to full-blown content type?
      • Entering funding details options:
        1. Enter details for each status (Requested, Approved, Allocated, Spent, Relinquished)?
          • Pros: can enter very detailed info which could be useful for complicated situations
          • Cons: more laborious to enter
        2. Enter broader details directly into SSC Project record in a single field for each status (less detail allowed, simpler
          • Pros: much simpler to enter
          • Cons: cannot enter very detailed info; may lose ability to represent multiple funding sources for a project (depending on setup)
      • Do SSC Projects ever have multiple funding sources in a single semester?
      • What's the "Other" funding source? (see 2009-2010)
      • Combine Semester and Year into one field? Or leave separate?
    • Sheri: can we automate entry of data?
      • Michael: this might be possible, we can look into this in the future


    • SSC Project full-blown content type is a go!
    • Prefer option to enter detailed funding info
    • Can ignore "Other" funding source, it was used to trick Tableau into displaying funding info correctly
    • Leave Semester and Year separate


    • Meet next week for final discussions
    • Have students start to enter information in the following weeks


    • SSC Projects:
      • ✔️ Add Image Gallery
      • ✔️ Show Image Gallery in main section
      • ✔️ Move map to sidebar
      • ✔️ Use Featured Image from SSC Project rather than associated iCAP Portal Project
      • ✔️ Add Award Expiration date field
      • ✔️ Merge Active and Closed into SSC Project Status field (Active, Closed)
    • Embed:
      • ✔️ Change Project Category to text instead of icon
      • ✔️ Show Semester filter only if Year selected (lower priority, can wait until other changes are done)
  8. Discussion about iCAP recommendations - April 15, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    Michael McKelvey, Miriam Keep, and Sarthak Prasad met to discuss modifications to how projects are associated with recommendations and whether there are any modifications we'd like to make to the current setup.


    • Recommendations:
      • Leave Associated Project(s) field as is - optional, allowing multiple projects to be associated
      • Add new field linked to a project where future updates can be found (naming it is tricky - "Further updates"? "See further updates"? "See additional updates"? "See ongoing updates"?) - optional, allows only 1 project
    • iCAP Teams:
      • Add Associated Project(s) field - optional, allows multiple project to be associated
      • On any projects associated with an iCAP Team, show all the recommendations for that team (will be used on iCAP Team projects)


    • ✔️ Add new Further Updates field to Recommendation content type
    • ✔️ Add new Associated Project(s) field to iCAP Team content type
    • ✔️ Add new Recommendations listing to projects associated with an iCAP Team
  9. Discussion about reporting Bike Fee funding - April 15, 2024

    Michael McKelvey and Sarthak Prasad met to discuss how to report Bike Fee funding in the iCAP Portal. The Bike Fee and SSC are currently the only student-initiated fees to report, but we should consider the possibility that new sustainability-related fees will need to be reported in the future as well.


    Two options came out of our discussion:

    1. Use the existing funding structure which was created early on in the iCAP Portal's development but isn't currently used. This structure requires entering each line item separately, which is powerful but laborious
    2. Implement a new, simplified funding structure which allows a single entry per year for each type of allocation, but wouldn't allow individual line items for each expenditure within a category. This option is simpler, but less granular.


    • Michael will implement the new, simplified funding structure on a dev site so Sarthak can test both options and compare them.
  10. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - May 3, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 



    • The idea of Power Searches is popular - will add additional content types and filters. Suggestions welcome!
    • Archiving projects
      • Decided to start with a simple Archived/Not Archived checkbox or dropdown list (do we have better terminology than "Not Archived"? Public and Visible are already used in other contexts). Michael will try it out on a dev site and report back next meeting.
      • Rejected ideas:
        • Add "Archived" to Visibility options - seems distinct from Public/Private, plus we want the option to still show projects publicly, just default to hiding them in most listings.
        • Add "Archived" to Project Status options - this mixes the status of the project itself with whether we still want it to show up on the site; e.g., cannot represent both "Cancelled" and "Archived" simultaneously
    • The Phantom Menace is in theaters this weekend in honor of Star Wars Day (May the 4th be with you) and Codie's birthday (5/5)! See it, you will.
  11. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - April 5, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    • Project Updates tasks
      • New "To Do Item(s)" field - is this single field what you were thinking? Would a set of multiple one-line fields be better? Or something else?
        • Q: Show field in Pending Tasks listing?
        • Q: Who should be able to view the content of this field? Other task-related fields are restricted to iCAP Admins & iCAP Moderators, but if you want to assign a task to a non-admin or non-moderator, they'll need to be able to view this task field (and the other fields) in order to view the task. Should we expand the scope of who can view task-related fields? At least add iCAP Clerks, or perhaps even all logged in users?
      • Q: Also add field for tagging iCAP Portal user(s) as responsible party for tracking tasks and updating when they're completed? (note: separate from "Assigned To" field which allows free editing and doesn't associate with user accounts
        • Q: What should this field be called?
        • Q: Should it allow multiple people to be entered?
        • Q: Add a My Tasks page where logged in users can view all tasks assigned to them?
    • Recommendations
    • SSC Projects
      • Discussions since our last meeting:
      • Demo of SSC project embedding (TEST site) which includes a map which responds to filters
      • Questions:
        • We've tweaked how we're planning to represent SSC Projects using the iCAP Portal a bit:
          • Allow multiple semesters of funding info to be entered on a project (collections of fields, rather than fields directly associated with a project)
            • Pros: SSC-specific solution; minimal complexity; fairly straightforward way people entering the information would think of it
            • Cons: SSC-specific solution, so not easily generalizable if we want to use it for something else in the future; requires each of SSC's funding projects to be associated with exactly one iCAP Portal Project - is that a concern?
        • How do we handle multiple locations for a project? Show the SSC project at all of them? Just the first one? Have a way to specify? (could this get difficult for projects with SSC funding multiple times, if the locations are different each time?)
    • Archiving projects - deferred to next meeting


    • SSC Projects:
      • There was general agreement that the recommended approach will work. Reed affirmed based on his knowledge of the SSC projects, he didn't see a problem with mapping each SSC project to a single iCAP Portal project
      • Miriam encouraged documentation of clear guidelines for handling special cases
      • Locations: don't use all project locations, that will be too many and overwhelm the map. Codie suggested adding a new location field for SSC to specify location(s), typically just the location of the organization receiving the funding
      • Funding: Sarthak reiterated interest in using the funding feature for the Bike Fee. Michael will schedule a meeting with Sarthak to discuss further details.
      • Michael will schedule a meeting with Codie and Miriam to discuss further details regarding locations and funding.
    • Recommendations:
      • The group generally liked the direction things were headed
      • Need to resolve a question about the difference between project(s) that a recommendation is linked to initially (e.g. the project that spawned the recommendation, if any) vs. the project that comes out of a recommendation, if any. Do recommendations ever have both? Do they always have at least one?
      • Michael will schedule a meeting with Miriam and Sarthak to discuss further.
  12. Discussion about SSC projects in iCAP Portal - March 22, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    Miriam Keep, Codie Sterner, and Michael McKelvey met to continue discussing how to approach embedding projects from the iCAP Portal on the SSC website.


    We discussed several possible ways to represent SSC Projects using the iCAP Portal:

    1. For each Project the SSC funds, create a sub-project for each semester the SSC provides funding (e.g. "SSC Funding for Campus Bike Center, Fall 2023")
      • Pros: uses existing structure with minimal modification
      • Cons: LOTS of new sub-projects with very little information other than SSC details - could be confusing for visitors and cumbersome for data entry
    2. Expand the currently unused Project Funding bridge between Funding Sources and Projects
      • Pros: uses an existing system that's not currently used for anything else
      • Cons: adds complexity with minimal gain, since we don't expect this system to be used for anything other than SSC projects
    3. Allow multiple semesters of funding info to be entered on a project (collections of fields, rather than fields directly associated with a project)
      • Pros: SSC-specific solution; minimal complexity; most straightforward way people entering the information would think of it
      • Cons: SSC-specific solution, so not easily generalizable if we want to use it for something else in the future; requires each of SSC's funding projects to be associated with exactly one iCAP Portal Project - is that a concern?


    We decided to pursue the 3rd option (multiple semesters of information added to a project). It seems like the simplest approach.


    Codie would like it ready to go by summer, when he'll have staff who can work on the data entry. Goal of completion by start of fall semester.


    Michael will mock something up for our next iCAP Portal meeting so we can run it by the group and get feedback.

  13. Discussion about iCAP recommendations - March 22, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    Michael McKelvey, Miriam Keep, and Morgan White met to finalize the discussion of how to structure iCAP Recommendations. We came to an agreement on the structure which we diagrammed online. Recommendations will be patterned after Metrics. If a Recommendation update warrants a Project Update, that will need to be added manually; it will not happen automatically with this approach.

    Summary of structure:

    • A Recommendation can be associated with a Project and an Objective and contains some additional general information
    • A Recommendation can have many "tracking" updates including at least a status, date, and some notes

    Detailed structure:

    • iCAP Team
      • Title
      • Description
      • Theme [references one of our 10 themes, optional]
    • Recommendation
      • Title
      • iCAP Team [references an iCAP Team]
      • Supplanted by [references another Recommendation, optional]
      • Associated Project(s) [references a Project, optional]
      • Objective [references an iCAP Objective, optional]
      • Description / "Specific actions/policy recommendations"
    • Recommendation Tracking
      • Title
      • Recommendation [references a Recommendation]
      • Description
      • Date (M/D/Y field)
      • Status (dropdown list)
      • Internal Notes
      • Public File(s)
      • Private File(s)
      • Next step (dropdown list)
      • Next step due date (M/D/Y field)

    Additionally, we do not plan to use the iCAP Portal to collect Recommendation feedback - a shared Word Doc on Teams is more conducive to this process. Certain fields in a recommendation will be added to the iCAP Portal Recommendation, and the uploaded document will contain more details, including comments.

  14. Discussion about SSC projects in iCAP Portal - March 13, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    Miriam Keep, Codie Sterner, and Michael McKelvey met to discuss the status of embedding projects from the iCAP Portal on the SSC website.

    Discussion items:

    • Michael shared a demo of SSC project embedding (TEST site) which includes a map which responds to filters.
    • Codie suggested adding the following SSC-specific fields to projects:
      • (SSC) Project Lead
      • (SSC) Project Lead Email
      • (SSC) Financial Advisor (all)
      • (SSC) Financial Advisor Email
      • (SSC) Project Advisor (only applicable to student-led projects)
      • (SSC) Project Advisor Email
      • (SSC) Team Members (unlimited plain text fields, just like in Contacts tab)
    • Change SSC tab title to: SSC Specifics
    • Project Funding discussion:
      • Prefer to separate out the 2 funding sources (SCEF, CETF) - perhaps instead of one "Funding Source" in iCAP Portal for SSC, could have 2 - one for each fund. Funding Type in the Funding Details could be a way to group together all SSC funding regardless of source (?)
      • When SSC funds a project, each semester needs to be reported separately, which is a different structure from how "projects" are represented in the iCAP Portal. For one-off funding, this isn't a problem, but sometimes (~5%?) SSC funds projects multiple times, which would require creating multiple Projects in the iCAP Portal to record SSC info about what the iCAP Portal would consider a single "project." How do we handle this? Some potential options include:
        • Always create a sub-project for each semester of SSC funding related to a project (lots of "extra" projects in the iCAP Portal created only to record SSC funding info). Projects created explicitly for SSC which don't have a more logical parent could go potentially go under the SSC project.
        • Use the Project Funding system in the iCAP Portal to record information by semester. The "Project Funding" content type is meant to act as a bridge between Funding Sources and Funding Details, so it might be the right place to store this information.
        • Create a new content type specifically for SSC projects. Perhaps use Metrics as a template? Not sure if there's an advantage to this over repurposing the Project Funding system, except this would be a single-purpose system built specifically for SSC, so it might be more streamlined.
      • Michael and Codie plan to meet March 22 to continue the discussion.
  15. Discussion about iCAP recommendations - March 13, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    Michael McKelvey, Miriam Keep, and Morgan White have a meeting scheduled on Friday, March 22 to discuss how to structure Recommendations, probably by diagramming on a whiteboard. In the meantime, Michael and Miriam met briefly to discuss iCAP Recommendations while the discussion at last Friday's meeting is still somewhat fresh. Our takeaways:

    • Perhaps we shouldn't use Project Updates after all, but should pattern the new Recommendations feature after Metrics:
      • A Recommendation is associated with a project and contains some additional general information
      • A Recommendation can have many "tracking" updates including at least a status and some notes
      • This would mean that each tracking record for a Recommendation wouldn't automatically generate a Project Update. Is that ok?
    • We also discussed using the iCAP Portal for the Recommendation workflow. We're not sure whether that would reduce complexity or increase it. Further discussion is warranted. Sample project updates with initial recommendation form attached:

    We look forward to diagramming this out on a whiteboard in Morgan's office!

  16. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - March 8, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    • Homemade caramels!
    • Update: Miriam Keep, Sarthak Prasad, Christina Tran, and Michael McKelvey met to discuss a proposed structure for updating iCAP recommendations: Discussion about updating iCAP recommendations - February 21, 2024
    • Lots of back-end updates/upgrades over the past couple weeks - Michael's been testing and retesting to try to catch any incompatibilities with the new updates, and so far things are looking good. Let him know if you encounter any issues!
      • One update of note: the module that creates automatic redirects when titles change has gotten smarter, so those infinite loops should be a thing of the past!
    • Google Analytics reporting


    • Project Updates:
      • Add field "To Do Item(s)" at top of Tasks section
        • Show field in Pending Tasks listing?
        • Q: who should be able to view the content of this field? Other task-related fields are restricted to iCAP Admins & iCAP Moderators, but if you want to assign a task to a non-admin or non-moderator, they'll need to be able to view this task field (and the other fields) in order to view the task. Should we expand the scope of who can view task-related fields? At least add iCAP Clerks, or perhaps even all logged in users?
      • Q: Also add field for tagging iCAP Portal user(s) as responsible party for tracking tasks and updating when they're completed? (note: separate from "Assigned To" field which allows free editing and doesn't associate with user accounts
        • What should this field be called?
        • Should it allow multiple people to be entered?
        • Add a My Tasks page where logged in users can view all tasks assigned to them. Also show tasks they've assigned?
        • Started work on this on test site: Michael's test task
    • Pending Tasks list:
      • ✔️Change Title column to "Project Update"
    • Recommendations:
      • May not need to allow a Project to "subscribe" to Recommendations:
        • Recommendation has associated Project (allow multiple, but typically only enter one)
        • Project page shows all Recommendations pointing to this project (possibly instead of a project being able to "subscribe" to recommendations)
        • iWG project: instead of showing all the recommendations, provide a link to the page showing the recommendations
      • Recommendation add/edit form could be used to receive suggestions for new recommendations
      • Need to discuss further - Morgan, Miriam, and Michael will meet next week to discuss & diagram out on a whiteboard
  17. Discussion about updating iCAP recommendations - February 21, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    Miriam Keep, Sarthak Prasad, Christina Tran, and Michael McKelvey met to discuss a proposed structure for updating iCAP recommendations.


    • Discussed structure outlined in iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - February 2, 2024 under Discussion/Decisions section plus attached file
    • Christina walked through the Figma Recommendations mockup she created, showing the workflow of the current approach and the proposed new approach. Notable changes:
      • Remove duplication of effort by providing only one place to enter information about a new Recommendation status
      • Once basic structure is in place, adding new Recommendation updates will require minimal extra work
      • Current Recommendation status and history can be automatically shown in multiple places across the iCAP Portal, either for individual Recommendations or all Recommendations under a Team


    • Miriam requested a "Next Steps" text field on Project Updates (in the Recommendations tab), visible only to people with iCAP roles (i.e. clerk and above)
    • Discussed using Tasks section in Project Updates to keep track of pending tasks related to Project Updates (especially helpful for Recommendations). Pending Tasks are Project Updates which have a due date and no completion date. See Pending Tasks page.


    • Propose allowing a Team to have no associated Theme. This currently only impacts the iWG Recommendations Team, since there is no Implementation theme.
    • Propose removing "Recommendations Summary" projects associated with each team (e.g. Resilience iCAP Team Recommendations Summary). The need for those projects will be supplanted by the automatically generated page for each team.
