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President's Strategic Framework (Ongoing)


In 2015-16, University of Illinois President Timothy Killeen led an initiative to develop a System-wide strategic framework to chart the institution's path to the future and build on the U of I's rich legacy of service to students and to the public good. The development process was a team effort involving all of the U of I's stakeholders.

The resulting strategic framework was approved at the May 19, 2016 meeting of the U of I Board of Trustees. The framework calls for the U of I System to organize its world-class resources around four strategic pillars:

I. An Institution of and for Our Students

II. Research and Scholarship with Global Impact

III. A Healthy Future for Illinois and the Midwest

IV. Tomorrow's University Today


IV. Tomorrow's University Today: 4. Become a model of environmental sustainability

We will incorporate practices that reduce our carbon footprint and  build a System-wide culture of environmental care, supporting the efforts of our universities and campuses to achieve carbon neutrality over the next three to four decades. To do this, our universities and regional campuses will actively seek:

  • Climate neutrality by increasing building energy efficiency, achieving LEED certification for construction and renovations, enhancing the efficiency of campus fleets and shuttle buses, and becoming more pedestrian and bicycle friendly.
  • Zero waste by increasing waste diversion rates, reducing bottled water use, and increasing the number of green-certified campus events.
  • Net zero water use by managing and reducing storm water runoff within parking lots and structures and reducing water use through more efficient technology and practices.
  • Campus biodiversity by promoting the use of local produce, increasing tree canopy size and the diversity of plants on campus, and using sustainable landscaping practices.

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  • Proposed by President Killeen
    Approved May 19, 2016
    Approved by Board of Trustees
