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iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - August 9, 2024

Posted by Michael McKelvey on July 31, 2024


  • Permissions fix for items marked Private (for all Private items, see this listing: Content filtered by visibility: Private)
    • Quinn reported that iCAP Moderators had lost View access to items marked Private
    • This likely happened during a module update Michael made a few months ago
    • It has been fixed; let Michael know if any other permissions appear to be incorrect!
  • Archiving projects (see last week's discussion):
    • Show archival status as part of project title (e.g. Sustainability iCAP Portal [ARCHIVED])
      • " [ARCHIVED]" automatically appended to title for Archived projects
      • " [ARCHIVED]" automatically removed from Active projects
    • Hid archived projects from Sub-Projects listing
    • Hid archived projects from Related Projects listing


  • Archiving projects:
    • How do we feel about directly editing the title rather than appending a tag, like we do with Project Status?
      • Pros:
        • Archival status impossible to ignore - it always appears without Michael having to explicitly include it in a particular display
      • Cons:
        • Archival status always appears as part of the title - would there be times we want to display the title without the archival status?
        • Would we like the archival status to display differently, like the Project Status?
      • Decision: the group liked inserting the archival status directly into the project's title. We do not foresee problems with this approach down the road.
    • How do we feel about hiding the archived projects from Sub-projects and Related Projects listings?
      • Cleans up the listings from archived projects
      • Makes it harder to find archived projects in the hierarchy
      • Decision: this look good for now; we can revisit later if needed
  • Bike Fee funding
    • Morgan, Sarthak, Michael, and Stacey DeLorenzo will meet to discuss further
  • SSC Projects
    • SSC Projects management transferring from Codie to Sheri
    • Students will continue adding SSC Projects in earnest in the coming weeks
  • Finding items created by a specific person:
    • Find the person's profile page
    • Click the "Track" link to see all items they've created (won't show things they've updated that were created by someone else)
  • Morgan: after porting info to SSC Projects, what will happen to the iCAP Portal projects which existed solely to capture SSC funding info?
    • Will handle on a case-by-case basis, but most will likely be archived
  • SSC Project reports before 2012
    • SSC did not require reports on recipients' use of funds before about 2012
    • Some groups did proactively provide reports; may reach out to other groups to inquire whether they have reports to share
    • Morgan collected all the older reports she could find and shared them in Box
    • Other reports may have been uploaded to the iCAP Portal; some sleuthing may be required to find them, e.g.:


  • Michael:
    • Implement archival feature on live site (email iCAP Portal mailing list when ready since next meeting is a month away)
    • Finish SSC Project embed
    • Allow more than 3 photos to be seen on SSC Projects - e.g. link to separate image gallery page like iCAP Portal Projects?