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  1. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - March 14, 2025

    Associated Project(s): 



    • [DEFER TO NEXT TIME] Google Analytics numbers drop
    • [DEFER TO NEXT TIME] Discussion of how to handle projects with large numbers of metrics


    • Investigate how to hide Project Status from certain projects which aren't actually projects - they're meant to act as parents for other projects
      • e.g. add a "Header" Project Status which hides the status
      • Remove Project Status from hierarchical listing on theme pages and full project hierarchy listing
    • Archived projects:
      • Add link to Archived Projects on Projects page
      • Hide archived projects from Theme page hierarchical listings
      • Leave archived projects from Project Family sidebar section, for now - may revisit that decision in the future
  2. Land and Water Team March Monthly Meeting Minutes and Notes

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Land and Water team met on March 7th, 2025, at 9 am on Teams this month. In this week's meeting, the team discussed prairie strips, sustainable water usage on campus, milkweed plantings for pollinators, and activities to participate in this coming Arbor Day. The agenda and notes from the meeting are linked below. 

  3. Education iCAP Team March 2025 Meeting

    The iCAP Education team met on teams from 4-5 pm on Monday March 3rd. First, we recapped the Green Career Forum and the Green Career Panel. Then we discussed updates on the collection of data for the AASHE Stars report, integrating sustainability language into course descriptions and developing the Gen-Ed sustainability requirement. Lastly the team introduced a sustainability graduate certificate and student internship opportunities. The meeting minutes are attatched. 

  4. Bus, Bike, and Hike Week: Urbana’s initiative for alternative transportation

    Associated Project(s): 

    Attached is a news article titled Urbana’s Feet Hit the Streets, 1977, covering Urbana’s "Bus, Bike, and Hike Week." This was among the initial initiatives promoting alternative transportation to reduce traffic, pollution, and encourage exercise. The event included a pedestrian parade, free bus rides, a film on automobile impacts, and bike trips across Illinois. Check it out to learn more about Urbana’s historical sustainable mobility efforts.

  5. Battery Recycling for F&S

    Associated Project(s): 




    Battery Recycling at F&S
    There are three programs for recycling batteries at F&S.

    Rechargeable batteries for tools: The Tool Room provides new rechargeable batteries for F&S tools. When a tool’s rechargeable battery gets too old to hold a charge, return it to the Tool Room for a replacement. The Tool Room will recycle them.

    Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) batteries: The electricians purchase UPS batteries from Interstate Batteries and return them to the same vendor for recycling.  

    Hazardous waste pickup, including batteries: The Division of Research Safety provides a free waste pick-up service that accepts batteries. To request a pick-up, use the Illinois Sign On form at

    Some departments at F&S may arrange for battery recycling of their own batteries, but there is no F&S-wide program other than the three mentioned above.

    As a reminder, personal-use batteries cannot be recycled through campus programs. Champaign and Urbana both provide this service. Please visit the appropriate website to learn more:


  6. Weekly digest

    Associated Project(s): 

    Still slow but have had a few people in looking for bikes or B-a-Bs but no sales on either. With the warmer weather this week, we’ll likely be busier. I’ve got a half dozen bikes to safety check while the weather is cooperating.

    Last week and today we made some more headway on the abandoned bike pile. Still coordinating with some other groups to take some of the junky bikes off our hands.

    Tonight is the Bike Project Monthly Meeting.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 23
    Sales: $82
    Membership: 1 for $30
    Tire/tube: 1 for $6

  7. Illini Lights Out 2/21

    Associated Project(s): 

    At this past Friday's Illinii Lights Out event, 3953 light bulbs were shut off that otherwise would have been left on all weekend, saving $601.43 in energy costs. This also prevented 5.8 metric tons of CO2 equivalent from entering the atmosphere, which is equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions from 660 gallons of gasoline being consumed. That's a huge impact!

  8. 02.20 Engagement Team Meeting

    The meeting covered several key updates and discussions on sustainability initiatives. The Chair provided updates on the Green Training Program survey, seeking feedback on student engagement strategies. The Vice Chair discussed efforts for a greener campus, including outreach to Greek Life. The Clerk emphasized the importance of in-person meetings and marketing materials. Guest speakers highlighted upcoming events like Sustainapalooza and Illinifest, stressing the logistical challenges and opportunities for student involvement. Discussions included promotional outreach, sustainability projects such as Greener Chapters yard signs and low-maintenance greenery at ISR, and the importance of connecting sustainability efforts across campus. Additionally, engagement team members offered support for these initiatives, and an approved course for next semester was announced. Adam encouraged members to consider speaking at the sustainability film festival.

  9. Weekly digest

    Associated Project(s): 

    Uneventful over here. Slow and cold. Plodding away at bikes and wheels to have a good supply of both come the busy times. This week I’ll meet some TBP volunteers to clean out the barn more, as it’ll be March soon.


    The numbers:

    Visitors: 19
    Sales: $281.50
    Bikes (B-a-B): 2 for $100
    Memberships: 3 for $90
    Tires/tubes: 1 for $4

  10. Archived project information

    Dart Container at 1505 E. Main St., Urbana, accepts expanded polystyrene (EPS), more commonly known by its brand name Styrofoam, for recycling. Departments are encouraged to take EPS there to recycle this bulky material. By doing so, we can reduce the volume of waste sent from campus to landfills and avoid the harmful environmental impacts of that practice. There is no charge to drop off EPS at Dart for recycling.

    There is currently no central funding source to pay for transportion of EPS to Dart, so departments need to arrange transport independently.

    The drop-off location is in a fenced-in area of the Dart parking lot and may be accessed 24 hours a day. Dart accepts foam packaging (except for packaging peanuts), foam cups, foam egg cartons, foam meat trays, foam ice chests, and other foam products that fall within these guidelines:

    • Make sure foam has the #6 chasing arrows symbol on it.
    • Deposit foam in a clear or translucent bag (large bags are provided at the drop-off site).
    • Rinse or wipe foodservice containers free from food.
    • Remove straws, lids, tape or any other non-foam material.
    • Do not include foam-packaging peanuts.

    From fall 2015 until summer 2017, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) ran the Styrecycle program in partnership with Community Resource Inc. (CRI). Ownership of CRI changed in July 2017, and the new owner was not able to continue the program.

  11. Education iCAP Team February 2025 Meeting

    The iCAP Education team met on Teams from 4-5 PM on Monday February 10th. First we reviewed materials for the Green Career Forum, then we identified the progress and next steps for establishing the Sustainability Gen-Ed Requirement, then we introduced the possibility of a Suatainability Exit Survey, and lastly we closed by delegating research tasks for the 2025 AASHE stars report. The meeting minutes are attached.
