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- Associated Project(s):
November iCAP Transportation Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Transportation Team had their November meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 12th, from 1:00 - 2:00pm. We discussed the student research projects and heard an update on the EV Charging survey from Denissa Darmawi. We ended by discussing the problem of motorized transit on the quads and what might be helpful to discourage it. The meeting minutes are attached!
Our next meeting is December 10th, 1:00 - 2:00PM.
Attached Files:Illini Lights Out 11/8
Associated Project(s):At Friday's Illini Lights Out event, 2209 light bulbs were shut off that otherwise would have been left on all weekend, saving $336 in energy costs. This also prevented 2.7 metric tons of CO2 equivalent from entering the atmosphere, which is equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions from 300 gallons of gasoline being consumed. That's a huge impact
Monthly data report
Associated Project(s):Attached is a detailed metrics report for October 2024.
Attached Files:iCAP Energy Meeting November 2024
Associated Project(s):The Energy Team met on Tuesday, Nov. 12th, from 3:30 - 4:30 PM. We provided updates on building energy efficiency efforts, explored occupant engagement strategies, and continued progress on solar rooftop initiatives. A draft recommendation for campus-wide energy upgrades was reviewed, and we discussed the upcoming agrivoltaic solar project. The meeting minutes are attached!
Our next meeting is December 10th, 3:30 - 4:30 PM.
Attached Files:Updating filter status lights on bottle filler stations
Associated Project(s):Some water bottle filler stations are equipped with an indicator light that turns red when the filter needs to be replaced. The Building Service Workers will alert the F&S Service Office when they see an indicator light is red.
In house 3 bins
Associated Project(s):Fabricated through our own mill shop. Cost to make two of these bins is attached.
Attached Files:Sustainability Council Meeting 11/05/2024
Associated Project(s):The Sustainability Council met on Nov 5, 2024. The primary agenda items included:
iCAP 2025 development process
- a) Timeline
- b) Progress on iCAP 2020 goals
- c) Challenges and opportunities going forward
- i. Trends in energy efficiency and space
- ii. Funding opportunities
- iii. Dealing with the question of divestment
The slide deck and minutes are attached.
Campus Trash Pick-Up
Associated Project(s):On October 10th, 2024, iSEE hosted it's semesterly Trash Pick-Up in honor of Campus Sustainability month. Volunteers picked up litter near Boneyard Creek and around the Bardeen Quad, and sorted the litter into trash or recycling bags. In total, 40 lbs of litter were collected.
iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - December 6, 2024
Associated Project(s):Agenda
- [Michael] Updates:
- Recommendations: added iWG Team
- Project page: showing list of associated iCAP Teams only to logged in users
- Recommendations search page:
- Only showing links for Recommendations; made the rest plain text
- Added column for latest Recommendation Update status
- Trimmed down content in Project Updates listings so they're easier to scan:
- Before: associated projects, full description, public & private files, notes, visibility
- Now: associated projects, summary description, notes, visibility
- Open to feedback!
- Project page: "Add Project Update" and "Add new Metric" links on Project page now auto-fill the current Project!
- Recommendation page: "Add Recommendation Update" on Recommendation page now
- [Michael] Updates:
- Recommendations: added iWG Team
- Project page: showing list of associated iCAP Teams only to logged in users
- Recommendations search page:
- Only showing links for Recommendations; made the rest plain text
- Added column for latest Recommendation Update status
- Trimmed down content in Project Updates listings so they're easier to scan:
- Before: associated projects, full description, public & private files, notes, visibility
- Now: associated projects, summary description, notes, visibility
- Open to feedback!
- Project page: "Add Project Update" and "Add new Metric" links on Project page now auto-fill the current Project!
- Recommendation page: "Add Recommendation Update" on Recommendation page now auto-fills the current Recommendation!
- Continue discussion of new Recommendations process
- (Time permitting) Discussion of how to handle projects with large numbers of metrics (see notes from Sarthak & Michael's discussion)
- Project Updates listings: can descriptions expand/collapse instead of just truncating?
- New Recommendations process
- Recommendations:
- For description, enter summary of recommendation rather than iWG assessment
- Add files column to Recommendation Updates table
- Michael will investigate ways to show more of the story for each recommendation (incl. teasers w/expandable descriptions?)
- Description field: "Original Recommendation" heading
- Keep Recommendation Updates listing reverse chronological
- Move Supplanted By box up to second position, right after iCAP Team
- Recommendation Updates:
- Use status at the time of the update rather than current status
- For titles, use descriptive sentence rather than single word status
- Recommendations:
- Sheri: duplicate locations in iCAP Portal
- Send list to Michael; he'll merge them
- SSC embed on ECE kiosks - will that become out of date with new SSC Projects approach?
- We could potentially use the SSC embed, or a variation on it
- Joyce Mast has retired; Catherine Somers is the current contact
- May want to add SSC and possibly Public Affairs recognition to footer
- Embeds: add card option for listings
- Discussion of how to handle projects with large numbers of metrics
- ✅ Update Add Project Update links on Project Header Layout projects
- ✅ Project Updates listings: can descriptions expand/collapse instead of just truncating?
- ✅ Recommendation pages:
- ✅ Show most recent status prominently
- ✅ Description field: "Original Recommendation" heading
- ✅ Move Supplanted By box up to second position, right after iCAP Team
- ✅ Merge duplication locations
- ✅ Sort Recommendation Updates listing alphabetically (also look into adding sort options)
- Investigate ways to show more of the story for each recommendation (incl. teasers w/expandable descriptions?)
- Michael will reach out to Sheri to get SSC Projects embed working on SSC website
- ✅ Update SSC link on iCAP Portal homepage to go to SSC Projects page
- May want to add SSC and possibly Public Affairs recognition to footer
- Embeds: add card option for listings
- [Michael] Updates:
Monarchs Need Milkweed Oct Update
Associated Project(s):Below is an update from Brent Lewis on Oct 17th about the Monarchs need Milkweed recommendation:
FYI, I’m close to getting a $2.5k bag of milkweed seeds delivered to me. 😊 We are getting this in the portal and ordered so Grounds can get this spread out this fall.
I’m hoping we can still get pots in the ground this fall too. I see plenty of plants available at Midwest Groundcovers nursery in St. Charles, IL. Deb is working on that.
Additionally updates from the Land & Water Clerk which were provided at the Campus Sustainability Celebration:
Milkweed Seeds for Monarch Butterflies
•Received a grant for planting milkweed across campus to support monarch butterfly populations...Expand »
Below is an update from Brent Lewis on Oct 17th about the Monarchs need Milkweed recommendation:
FYI, I’m close to getting a $2.5k bag of milkweed seeds delivered to me. 😊 We are getting this in the portal and ordered so Grounds can get this spread out this fall.
I’m hoping we can still get pots in the ground this fall too. I see plenty of plants available at Midwest Groundcovers nursery in St. Charles, IL. Deb is working on that.
Additionally updates from the Land & Water Clerk which were provided at the Campus Sustainability Celebration:
Milkweed Seeds for Monarch Butterflies
•Received a grant for planting milkweed across campus to support monarch butterfly populations which are important pollinators
•Seeds and plants will be planted around campus in late fall in low and no mow areas
•Working to clarify no mow and low mow zones on campus to support the growth of native plants, also making it easier for the planting of milkweed
Google Analytics changes impact the user counts for the Portal
Associated Project(s):This is likely due to the change in Google Analytics’ reporting system. They moved from “Universal Analytics” (UA) to “Google Analytics 4” (GA4) which included a significant change in the way they count things like pageviews. It’s not exactly that the numbers we had before were inaccurate, nor that the new numbers are inaccurate, it’s that they’re being counted in a different way. Here are 2 major differences:
- UA tracked each device as a user; GA4 tries to track the same person across multiple devices (e.g. phone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer)
- UA would count the same person visiting on different days as different users; GA4 will track the same person visiting multiple times as a single user in a given report. So if you ran a report ...Expand »
This is likely due to the change in Google Analytics’ reporting system. They moved from “Universal Analytics” (UA) to “Google Analytics 4” (GA4) which included a significant change in the way they count things like pageviews. It’s not exactly that the numbers we had before were inaccurate, nor that the new numbers are inaccurate, it’s that they’re being counted in a different way. Here are 2 major differences:
- UA tracked each device as a user; GA4 tries to track the same person across multiple devices (e.g. phone, tablet, laptop, desktop computer)
- UA would count the same person visiting on different days as different users; GA4 will track the same person visiting multiple times as a single user in a given report. So if you ran a report for 2 days, the same person visiting twice would count as 2 users in UA, but only 1 user in GA4. Now expand this out to an annual report, and you can imagine how the numbers can become much lower if you have a fair number of repeat visitors.
- GA4 may be doing a better job of honoring browsers’ Do Not Track requests, plus over time more people may be using extensions that block 3rd-party cookies and traffic, like Google Analytics.
To demonstrate how point #2 above can lower our numbers, here are some tables comparing longer-term reporting periods with sums of shorter-term reporting periods:
Monthly vs. Annual
- Total users in single report from Jul 1, 2023 to Jun 30, 2024: 24,548
- Difference between reporting methods: 1,190
- % more users when broken down by month: 5%
Daily vs. Monthly
- Total users in single report from Oct 1, 2023 to Oct 31, 2023: 2,579
- Difference between reporting methods: 580
- % more users in October 2023 when broken down by day: 22.5%
For anyone who’s interested, here’s a bit more information about the differences between UA and GA4:
I hope that helps explain some of the difference. I am surprised the number dropped in half – that is a pretty substantial change. If you’d like, I can spend some time delving into that in more detail to see if there’s something going on, but my hunch is that it’s mostly attributable to the change in the way Google Analytics records and reports its data. I’m not an expert at Google Analytics; if you know anyone who’s good at analyzing Google Analytics reports, we could invite them to take a look and see what they notice.
Michael McKelvey
Office for Mathematics, Science, & Technology Education
CollapseZero Waste Team October Meeting Minutes
Associated Project(s):The Zero Waste Team had their first meeting on October 14, 2024. Daphne Hulse provided updates on the 2025 proposed changes as well as a summer recap of accomplishments. Here are the meeting minutes.
Attached Files:CTAC fall 2024 meeting recording and slides
Associated Project(s):CTAC meeting was held on Thursday, October 24, 2024, focusing mainly on
- 2024 Campus Bike Plan: Public Input - Accepting feedback until October 31, 2024. The public input form can be found here:
- Long Range Transportation Plan 2050:
- Lincoln Avenue Corridor Study - Between Green St and Florida Ave - CCRPC
- Lincoln Avenue Corridor Study - Between Florida Ave and Windsor Rd - F&S TDM
Please see attached the slides from meeting. To view the recording, please go to
Attached Files:Weekly digest
Associated Project(s):The Bike Center received a few more donations and started processing the abandoned bike pile which they'll continue to tackle throughout the week. There was a mention in E-Week for their Kids Bike Giveaway and already have donations lined up.
Visitors: 66
Sales: $575.10
Bikes (refurb): 1 for $140
Memberships: 8 for $240
Tires/tubes: 9 for $69SSLC newsletter promotes SSC Working Groups
Associated Project(s):Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) ♻️
The Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) is a student-led organization charged with distributing two student fees: the Sustainable Campus Environment Fee and the Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee. With the ultimate goal of making the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign a leader in campus sustainability, the SSC reviews, recommends, and funds projects that increase environmental stewardship, inspire change, and impact students. Feel free to attend our weekly or biweekly meetings to learn more about SSC, workshop your projects and ideas, meet more people, and overall get more involved in sustainability on campus!
Working Groups and Meetings- SSC Calendar
- Food and Waste: Biweekly on ...Expand »
Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) ♻️
The Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) is a student-led organization charged with distributing two student fees: the Sustainable Campus Environment Fee and the Cleaner Energy Technologies Fee. With the ultimate goal of making the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign a leader in campus sustainability, the SSC reviews, recommends, and funds projects that increase environmental stewardship, inspire change, and impact students. Feel free to attend our weekly or biweekly meetings to learn more about SSC, workshop your projects and ideas, meet more people, and overall get more involved in sustainability on campus!
Working Groups and Meetings- SSC Calendar
- Food and Waste: Biweekly on Mondays 2:30-3:30pm (Oct. 28th, Nov. 11th, Nov. 25th)
- Education and Justice: Biweekly on Tuesdays 4:00-5:00pm (Oct. 29th, Nov. 12th, Nov. 26th)
- Energy + Transportation and Infrastructure: Biweekly on Tuesdays 5:00-6:00pm (Oct. 29th, Nov. 12th, Nov. 26th)
- Land, Air, and Water: Biweekly on Wednesdays 4:30-5:30pm (Oct. 30th, Nov. 13th, Nov. 27th)
- Communications: Weekly on Tuesdays 6:00-7:00pm
- Social Initiatives: Weekly on Thursdays 5:00-6:00pm
Land and Water Team October Monthly Meeting Minutes
The Land and Water iCAP team had their had their monthly meeting on October 25th, 2024 at 9 am on Teams. Attached are the minutes and notes from the meeting.
Attached Files:Monthly data report
Associated Project(s):Attached is Veo bike share data from July 2024, August 2024, and September 2024.
Attached Files:10/18 Lights Out!
Associated Project(s):At Fridays Illinii Lights Out event, 2,223 light bulbs were shut off that otherwise would have been left on all weekend, saving $338 in energy costs. This also prevented 3.1 metric tons of CO2 equivalent from entering the atmosphere, which is equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions from 349 gallons of gasoline being consumed. That's a great impact!
October 22nd iCAP Transportation Meeting
Associated Project(s):The iCAP Transportation Team met today and discussed the upcoming sustainability celebration, the progress that has been made on 2020 iCAP goals, and student research assignments for the upcoming year.
Attached Files:
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