The prior annual reports were not submitted, so F&S worked to update the Bee Campus Committee members, update the Charge Letter, and submit the 2023 data. The Xerces Society approved the 2023 Bee Campus USA report on March 5, 2023.
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Bee Campus USA (Ongoing)
Recent Project Updates
I'm doing some work with the USFWS on an urban pollinator habitat
Project Family
Sustainable Landscapes Plan
- Bee Campus USA
- Benefits of a Large-Scale Prairie Experiment
- Campus Landscape Master Plan (CLMP)
- Committee on Natural Areas
- Implement Resilient Landscape Strategy
- Incorporate Sustainability Principles into Campus Master Plan
- Preventing window-strike bird fatalities with energy efficient window decals
Project Video(s)
Pollinator-Friendly Areas
Project Team
Primary Contact:
Brent LewisTeam Members:
- Morgan White
- Brent Lewis
- Sinead Soltis
- John Marlin
- Lesley Deem
- Sara Mason
- Joseph Kreiling
- Vivek Sriramineni
- Teylor Hunter
- Lauren Paddock
- Kate Smith
- Bhairav Valera
- Alaina Bottens
- Nora Grasse
- Jenna Mattes
- Jane Halloran
- May Berenbaum
- Adam Dolezal
- Rachel Daughtridge
Proposed January 31, 2018Proposed by Rachel DaughtridgeApproved October 4, 2018Approved by Chancellor JonesStarted January 31, 2018Started by Rachel Daughtridge
Primary Theme:
Project Location(s)
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