The prior annual reports were not submitted, so F&S worked to update the Bee Campus Committee members, update the Charge Letter, and submit the 2023 data. The Xerces Society approved the 2023 Bee Campus USA report on March 5, 2023.
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Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall
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Projects at this location
Project | Description |
Grind2Energy |
To combat the issue of food waste on campus, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign implemented Grind2Energy systems at the beginning of the 2019-2020 school year. These systems operate similarly to kitchen garbage disposals. However, they are significantly more powerful than household disposals and run at 10.0 horsepower. Meanwhile, household disposals only operate around 0.5-3.0 horsepower. In order to convert the food waste into energy: |
Reusable Containers |
The Zero Waste iCAP Team is actively pursuing the use of reusable service options for campus facilities which serve food at any capacity. In a study conducted by the Good2Go team, most UIUC students are generally uninterested in the sustainability benefits of reusable containers but are rather enticed by the convenience factor. |
Plastic Bag Recycling |
The goal of this project is to make plastic bag and film recycling more accessible to the campus community. 6 collections bins have been set up at 4 different buildings. After evaluation of the current setup, more drop-off locations may be added or changed. By completing this project, Plastic Bag Recycling will offer multiple benefits such as: |
Mobile Monitoring of Cognitive Change |
This program invites applications to design and implement research infrastructure that will enable the monitoring of cognitive abilities and age, state, context, or health condition-related changes in cognitive abilities on mobile devices. |
Batteries and Electrification to Enable Extreme Fast Charging |
This program seeks projects to encourage the development of plug-in electric vehicle systems that can demonstrate the ability to recharge rapidly at high power levels |
Foundational Program |
The AFRI Foundational Program supports grants in the six AFRI priority areas to continue building a foundation of knowledge critical for solving current and future societal challenges. The six priority areas are:
Ecosystem Research Grants |
EPA funds ecosystems research grants to protect ecosystems and the air and water resources that provide numerous benefits for humans and other living things. |
Air Research Grants |
EPA supports air pollution research through research grants in three broad areas:
Office of behavioral and social sciences research |
The missions of the office is to Enhance the impact of health-related behavioral and social sciences research, coordinate behavioral and social sciences research conducted or supported by the NIH, integrate these sciences within the larger NIH research enterprise, and Communicate health-related behavioral and social sciences research findings to various stakeholders within and outside the federal government |
Environmental Education (EE) Grants |
This program supports environmental education projects that promote environmental awareness and stewardship and help provide people with the skills to take responsible actions to protect the environment. |
Pollution Prevention (P2) |
This program funds grants/cooperative agreements that implement pollution prevention technical assistance services and/or training for businesses and support projects that utilize pollution prevention techniques to reduce and/or eliminate pollution from air, water and/or land. |
LAR Native Plants |
The Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall Living and Learning Community (LLC) is aware of the interest in increasing the number of campus locations with native plants. They would like to join the effort to plant Native Plant Species in selected areas around Campus. The goal of this project is to locate plants in places like the unused space between Allen Hall and Lincoln Ave. Residence. |
Coping with Drought in Support of the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS) |
This program is focused on advancing NIDIS regional drought early warning systems through a better understanding of how to better provide early warning through enhanced language, metrics and joint decision spaces (e.g., calendars, etc.). |
Fish and Wildlife Service |
The US Fish and Wildlife Service works with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.
Higher Education - Institution Challenge Grants Program |
This program aims to increase institutional capacities to respond to State, regional, national, or international educational needs by strengthening college and university teaching programs in the food and agricultural sciences.
Environmental Engineering |
The goal of the Environmental Engineering program is to support transformative research which applies scientific and engineering principles to avoid or minimize solid, liquid, and gaseous discharges, resulting from human activities on land, inland and coastal waters, and air, while promoting resource and energy conservation and recovery. |
Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) |
The Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program seeks to advance new approaches to and evidence-based understanding of the design and development of STEM learning opportunities for the public in informal environments; provide multiple pathways for broadening access to and engagement in STEM learning experiences; advance innovative research on and assessment of STEM learning in informal environments; and engage the public of all ages in learning STEM in informal environments. |
Vehicle Technologies Office |
The Vehicle Technologies Office supports research, development (R&D), and deployment of efficient and sustainable transportation technologies that will improve energy efficiency, fuel economy, and enable America to use less petroleum. Some relevant programs under this office include |
Food Waste Reduction |
This guide from the USDA Rural Development agency highlights the various ways the agency provides funding and support for food loss and waste reduction, reuse and composting. |
Resilient Agroecosystems in a Changing Climate Challenge |
This program funds research attempting to understand the interaction between climate variability and agricultural production systems to develop the plants, animals and management systems that will be robust and productive under changing environmental conditions while providing the important ecosystem services needed from these lands. |
Civil Infrastructure Systems (CIS) |
CIS supports fundamental and innovative research necessary for designing, constructing, managing, maintaining, operating and protecting efficient, resilient and sustainable civil infrastructure systems. Research that recognizes the role that these systems play in societal functioning and accounts for how human behavior and social organizations contribute to and affect the performance of these systems is encouraged. |
Dimensions of Biodiversity |
The goal of the Dimensions of Biodiversity campaign is to transform, by 2020, how we describe and understand the scope and role of life on Earth. Successful proposals pursue an integrated approach to understand the interactions and feedback among genetic, phylogenetic and functional dimensions of biodiversity. |
Bee Campus USA |
Thinking globally and acting locally, Bee Campus USA brings communities together to sustain pollinators by increasing the abundance of native plants, providing nest sites, and reducing the use of pesticides. Affiliates of Bee Campus USA, such as U of I, also work to inspire others to take steps to conserve native pollinators through education and outreach. |
Waste Stream Characterization Study Phase 2 |
The primary deliverable of this proposed project is to provide a detailed waste characterization assessment for three facilities located throughout the Urbana-Champaign campus of the University of Illinois. Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls (LAR), Business Instructional Facility (BIF), Roger Adams Laboratory(RAL) are facilities that will be characterized. |
Bike Sharing at Sustainability Living Learning Community |
The Sustainability Living Learning Community (LLC) and Lincoln Avenue Residence Hall (LAR) is starting a bike sharing program for the LLC residents. The program will start with about six bikes for approximately 120 residents. Bikes can be checked out for up to a day, and LLC community members will help maintain the bikes through membership at The Bike Project of Urbana-Champaign. |
Eco-Olympics |
ECO-OLYMPICS is an energy competition between residence halls on campus. Our goal is to engage, educate, and motivate students/employees/professors to change their behavior, and have a good time while doing it. add us on Facebook and Sign-up for this year's competition HERE! and visit EcoOlympics web page for more details. |
Provide Working Bikes for University Employees |
This project involves encouraging more bicycle uses for employees. Packages can be sent out and delivered through the use of a bicycle. Bicycles can also be used for hauling objects to specific locations with the help of special equipment built by the Campus Bike Center. Student and Staff employees will be involved in the process.
Glove Recycling |
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign participates in Kimberly-Clark’s RightCycle Program. |
Sustainability Living Learning Community (SLLC) |
Sustainability is a living-learning community that welcomes students to live and learn about diverse aspects of sustainability in a variety of ways: academically, organically, and experientially. Located on two floors in the Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls, students with similar interests and intents from a range of different backgrounds are invited to experience this new community, where opportunities abound to learn not only from professionals, but from each other and from shared experiences. |
Enviropures |
EnviroPure is a food waste elimination system that is a self-contained unit that can be continually fed food waste and dispose the waste. The system is designed to solve the environmental, operations, and economic issues associated with the disposal of food waste. The unit keeps optimal temperatures and oxygen levels for aerobic decomposition to take place more quickly. This results in a complete elimination of food waste without odors, sludge build-up, and system clean out requirements. |
Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL)
Air Research Grants
Batteries and Electrification to Enable Extreme Fast Charging
Bee Campus USA
Bike Sharing at Sustainability Living Learning Community
Civil Infrastructure Systems (CIS)
Coping with Drought in Support of the National Integrated Drought Information System (NIDIS)
Dimensions of Biodiversity
Ecosystem Research Grants
Environmental Education (EE) Grants
Environmental Engineering
Fish and Wildlife Service
Food Waste Reduction
Foundational Program
Glove Recycling
Higher Education - Institution Challenge Grants Program
LAR Native Plants
Mobile Monitoring of Cognitive Change
Office of behavioral and social sciences research
Plastic Bag Recycling
Pollution Prevention (P2)
Provide Working Bikes for University Employees
Resilient Agroecosystems in a Changing Climate Challenge
Reusable Containers
Sustainability Living Learning Community (SLLC)
Vehicle Technologies Office
Waste Stream Characterization Study Phase 2
Project Updates
Hi Daphne,
Have you had any discussion with Housing dining about piloting composting in their catering operations?
I believe we could encourage them to lead a pilot for that.