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Campus Contributions Dump & Run

Project Description

Since 1995, University Housing operated a salvage drive as a way for students to donate used furniture, clothing, appliances, canned & boxed food, and electronics at the end of the semester. This project works towards a standing commitment from campus to support Dump and Run with the Office of the Chancellor about potential expansion into the wider community. The Dump and Run event reaches all across campus with traditionally 22 drop sights, 14 of which are located within University Housing residence halls. Current students are able to donate unused or unwanted items at the end of the academic year, while new and returning students will further enjoy the benefits of the program by being able to purchase the unused items at the fall sales event held at the University of Illinois Stock Pavillion. 

Although the operation of the Dump and Run event is conducted through a partnership between University Housing and the University YMCA, the success of the event is only due to the participation of students across the University. The University YMCA will also utilize student volunteers to gather product from the different collection sites across campus and sort through items at the main collection center. Student volunteers are usually surprised by the waste that is being abandoned by their peers, and they can see how quality materials can be purchased through a reuse program to reduce waste, costs, and the associated carbon emissions from creating new products. Given the large amount of product collected annually during the week long event, this is clearly an event that reaches many students within University Housing and throughout the campus

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Funding Details

Student Campus Environment Fee (SCEF) - 303692
Fiscal Year Status Amount Date Operations
2019 Allocated $15,020.00 12/13/2019 Edit | Delete

SSC Basic Info

Year Started: 2019
Semester: Fall
Status: Closed
Student Led? No
Project Category: Food and Waste

SSC Project Team

Project Lead:

Bryan Johnson (

Financial Advisor:

Dawn Rawlings (

Team Members:

  • Marc Alexander
  • David Arnold
  • Joe Glass
  • Bryan Johnson

Illinois Green Fund - Student Sustainability Committee