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Student Sustainability Committee Funded Projects
The Student Sustainability Committee (SSC) has funded several projects over the years. This collection includes the proposed, in progress, completed, and/or ongoing projects that the SSC agreed to support.
Project Listing
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Latest Updates
Staff collected and updated data for the month of January and February on 2/26/25.
Still slow but have had a few people in looking for bikes or B-a-Bs but no sales on either. With the warmer weather this week, we’ll likely be busier. I’ve got a half dozen bikes to safety check while the weather is cooperating.
The meeting covered several key updates and discussions on sustainability initiatives. The Chair provided updates on the Green Training Program survey, seeking feedback on student engagement strategies.
25 lbs of common milkweed seed was dispersed by F&S Grounds. The attached pdf shows a map of places where this seed was dispersed.
Uneventful over here. Slow and cold. Plodding away at bikes and wheels to have a good supply of both come the busy times. This week I’ll meet some TBP volunteers to clean out the barn more, as it’ll be March soon.
Dart Container at 1505 E. Main St., Urbana, accepts expanded polystyrene (EPS), more commonly known by its brand name Styrofoam, for recycling. Departments are encouraged to take EPS there to recycle this bulky material.
We have been surprisingly busy here at CBC so far this year. We’ve sold a few bikes thus far and seen a couple Build-a-Bikes head out the door—all good things!
The meeting covered updates on the Greener Campus (GC) initiative, including efforts to promote office certification and introduce decals for visibility.
An update on 12/11/2024 from Brent Lewis on the Monarchs need Milkweed project: