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Living Lab Facilities / Programs

These projects offer opportunities to connect campus sustainability efforts with new or existing research and teaching programs.

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Latest Updates

  • 3/6/2025

    The Illinois Leadership Center achieved Chrysalsis Level Green Office Certificaiton!!

  • 3/5/2025

    The prior annual reports were not submitted, so F&S worked to update the Bee Campus Committee members, update the Charge Letter, and submit the 2023 data.  The Xerces Society approved the 2023 Bee Campus USA report on March 5, 2023. 

  • 2/24/2025

    Still slow but have had a few people in looking for bikes or B-a-Bs but no sales on either. With the warmer weather this week, we’ll likely be busier. I’ve got a half dozen bikes to safety check while the weather is cooperating.

  • 2/20/2025

    The meeting covered several key updates and discussions on sustainability initiatives. The Chair provided updates on the Green Training Program survey, seeking feedback on student engagement strategies.

  • 2/17/2025

    Uneventful over here. Slow and cold. Plodding away at bikes and wheels to have a good supply of both come the busy times. This week I’ll meet some TBP volunteers to clean out the barn more, as it’ll be March soon.


  • 2/6/2025

    The Department of Pyschology acheived Monarch Level Green Office Certification!

  • 2/3/2025

    We have been surprisingly busy here at CBC so far this year. We’ve sold a few bikes thus far and seen a couple Build-a-Bikes head out the door—all good things!

  • 1/16/2025

    Professor Yun Yi provided an update on the building energy modeling project:

  • 12/16/2024

    Visit the included link to see the 2024 Reimagine our future winners and finalists.

  • 12/9/2024

    As expected, we were slow last week. We held an instructional course but did not get any attendees as it was cold and snowy—no surprise there! We will schedule more classes next semester.