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  1. Monarchs Need Milkweed Project Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    An update on 12/11/2024 from Brent Lewis on the Monarchs need Milkweed project:

    "...all plugs were installed as of November 2024 in a variety of locations on campus.  Additionally 25’bs of milkweed seed was purchased and delivered to grounds to broadcast seed into low mow and prairie areas on campus.  As a set aside, 3 lbs of seeds were delivered to the Pollinatarium staff who will use it to make small planting gift sachets for their visitors.  Thus this project’s influence may continue far beyond the reaches of the campus boundaries."

  2. iCAP Energy Meeting December 2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Energy Team met on Tuesday, Dec. 10th, from 3:30 - 4:30 PM. We reviewed the occupant engagement program’s progress, discussed final steps for solar rooftop project proposals, and provided updates on energy efficiency recommendations. A potential pilot for risk-based lab optimization was introduced, and updates on funded energy projects and agrivoltaic solar construction were shared. The meeting minutes are attached!

    Our next meeting is January 2025 (date TBD).

    Attached Files: 
  3. Weekly Digest

    Associated Project(s): 

    As expected, we were slow last week. We held an instructional course but did not get any attendees as it was cold and snowy—no surprise there! We will schedule more classes next semester.

    We’re still low on kids’ bike donations and hovering around 50 or so. Have a meeting with IMC folks this week to discuss logistics.

    As a late decision, the Bike Center will be the starting point for a community bike ride this coming Sunday, December 15th at 2p, which will hopefully get some folks aware of our space that may not have been otherwise.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 25
    Sales: $209
    Memberships: 2 for $60
    Tires/tubes: 5 for $39

  4. Illini Lights Out 12/6

    Associated Project(s): 

    At this past Friday's Illini Lights Out event, 2815 light bulbs were shut off that otherwise would have been left on all weekend, saving $428 in energy costs. This also prevented 5.9 metric tons of CO2 equivalent from entering the atmosphere, which is equivalent to the greenhouse gas emissions from 664 gallons of gasoline being consumed. That's a huge impact!

  5. iCAP Engagement Team November Meeting

    On Friday, November 22nd, the iCAP Engagement Team held its monthly meeting. The team discussed ways to engage the campus community more, specifically students, and shared updates on OneIllinois, Greener Campus, and Earth Month. We discussed the possibility of using social media to increase engagement or physical fliers and posters. We also welcomed a guest speaker from the Zero Waste Team who discussed Sustain Illinois, a magazine that outlines what is currently happening around campus as well as how the average person can become involved in sustainability in the community. We also discussed having in-person meetings and events next semester for the team and small ways we can all be more sustainable. One call to action was for staff and faculty to consider making their office spaces green-certified and brainstorming ways to reach the Greek life population. Our next meeting will be December 20th. 

  6. Weekly Digest

    Associated Project(s): 

    We were closed all last week for the break.


    We’re ramping up for our Kids Bike Giveaway event. We even got some coverage on WCIA:

    As is, we’re a little low on donations compared to years’ past, so hopefully this’ll be a good bump.


    This evening is a lecture/instructional class on bike repair, but with colder and snowier weather, attendance will likely be low.


    The numbers:

    Visitors: 35
    Sales: $497.50
    Memberships: 8 for $240
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Tires/tubes: 3 for $36

  7. Campus Lumber Project Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    A meeting was held with several involved individuals to discuss the progress and next steps for the Campus Lumber Project. Team members will submit an SSC Scope Change to cover the additional costs of electrical construction and to ensure efficient transportation of lumber


    Next steps from Quinn Connolly:

    As discussed today, here is the plan moving forward:


    Quinn will work with Lowell on submitting an SSC Scope Change to cover the increased cost of the electrical setup

    Justin, Ryan, and Issac will discuss the best course of action for storing, identifying, and transporting lumber from the south Lincoln facility to the mill site.

    Justin and Lowell will work on a preferred tree species and dimensions list to include in the protocol document

    Quinn will work with Morgan on setting up an open work order

    Quinn will work on writing a protocol document for the Campus Lumber Project

    This document will include:

    • Procedures
    • Contacts (not just individuals but departments and back up contacts)
    • Tree specification information
    • Other relevant information as we navigate making this happen!


    Brent Lewis replied with additional information about peer universities with similar programs:



    In my meeting with the Association of University Landscape Architects, we talked about the different programs people had to use removed trees from campus.  Here are a few links to what people are doing.  Plenty of bowls, boards, pens, etc that they are selling for alumni.  I also see live edge boards for sale and other items that aren’t finished products. 



    Anyhow, just wanted to share for people to see what others are doing.  There are probably some good contacts in here for future reference as well.

  8. Transportation Team Student Research

    This past week, Sarthak and I met with the students on the Transportation Team to discuss their various research projects for the rest of this semester and the upcoming semester. We met with Pun Siripun on Nov. 11th, at 12pm; Charles Okoli on Nov. 14th, 12pn; Sebastian Vega on Nov. 15th, at 11am; and Mitchell Bryant on Nov. 15th at 1pm.

    The goal is to have each student conduct research on 30 or so universities in regards to various elements of transportation infrastructure, then present a final report on findings and recommendations for Illinois. The hope is that the schools are widespread, spanning from similar Midwest contexts as us to east and west coast.

    Pun will be examining EV Charging available at other schools and whether extending that in Urbana Champaign would be economically feasible and environmentally beneficial.

    Charles is reviewing Micro mobility. The goal is to promote micro mobility as alternative modes of transit, but to avoid enforcement costs and the safety of all (pedestrians and users). How have other schools done that well?

    Sebastian is studying the commuter program at Illinois and how other universities have implemented it successfully. How did they incentivize it? How did they fund it?

    Mitchell is researching the storage of micro mobility devices and how they can be expanded on campus. 

    Looking forward to hearing about their research and their suggestions for Illinois!

  9. Weekly Digest

    Associated Project(s): 

    Spent time tracking down a few new sources for kids’ bikes, as this year we aren’t receiving a large number of donations yet. At this point, we're looking at a little more than 20 kids bikes. 


    Visitors: 53
    Sales: $724.25
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $225
    Memberships: 8 for $240
    Tires/tubes: 7 for $50

  10. Education iCAP Team November 2024 Meeting

    The iCAP Education team met on Teams from 4-5 PM on Monday November 18th. First we discussed steps on moving forward with the sustainbility Gen-Ed requirement, then we discussed the integration of sustainability in study abroad programs and lastly how to get further student input on the Green Career Forum. The meeting minutes are attached. 
