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  1. Dates set for Bike Month 2024

    Associated Project(s): 

    The dates for Bike Month 2024 have been set, and noted on the flyers:

    • Wed, Sept 18, 7-10 am:  Bike to Work Day
    • Thu, Sept 19, 4-7 pm:  Light the Night
    • Fri, Sept 20, 7-10 am:  Bike to Work Day rain date
    • Tue, Sept 24, 4-7 pm:  Light the Night rain date

    Register at

  2. Weekly Update

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Uneventful week to report on. Real Feel temp all week was hovering near or above triple digits. Not a lot of folks out riding in that weather. We were closed on Wednesday for Juneteenth and had shorted hours on Monday due to a conference I was attending.

    Tonight is the Bike Project member’s meeting, which I’ll attend.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 6
    Sales: $308.50
    Memberships: 6 for $180
    Tires/tubes: 5 for $38


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  3. Weekly Update

    All, Apologies for the delay. Pretty uneventful week. I was out at a conference on Thursday and Friday. My staff handled shop hours on Friday without issue. Made some more headway in the abandoned bike pile but also got half dozen or so direct donations as well. So, we’ve got our work cut out for us this week in processing all those.

    I spent some time last week turning bars/pulling pedals on the bikes we do have here in an effort to maximize space. We’ll spend staff time this week checking over those bikes, so they can be earmarked for the Build-a-Bike program and be much easier to identify by staff and the untrained eye.

    We will be closed tomorrow for Juneteenth and reopen on Friday.

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 6
    Sales: $366.50
    Memberships: 1 for $30
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $90
    Bikes (B-a-B): 1 for $50
    Tires/tubes: 17 for $125


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  4. Discussion about reporting Bike Fee funding - June 12, 2024

    Michael McKelvey and Sarthak Prasad met to continue discussing how to report Bike Fee funding in the iCAP Portal.


    After much discussion of ways to record and display the Bike Fee funding information, we decided the best course of action may be to not build out this funding tracking feature in the iCAP Portal at all. We may be best served by simply uploading an Excel file with all this information. The latest funding info spreadsheet can be added to the Bicycle Programs and Infrastructure Fee project each year, as well as a Project Update associated with the various impacted projects.


    Discuss this decision with Morgan to see if she agrees with this path forward.

  5. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - July 3, 2024

    Associated Project(s): 


    • Apologies for slowness on the iCAP Portal recently - it's fixed now!
    • SSC Projects
      • Discussions since our last meeting: Discussion about SSC projects in iCAP Portal - June 11, 2024 (Codie, Michael)
      • Codie built out the initial set of SSC Projects for Spring 2023
      • SSC Project embedding for the live site will be ready for testing soon - still ironing out a few things before it's ready for production
      • Question about avoiding document plagiarism: do we have concerns about providing documents that people can download, edit, and try to pass off as legitimate?
    • Places:
      • Fixed a couple Places stuck on Null Island
      • Improved All Places listing and added All Places (Map)
      • Fixed an issue that caused geocoding not to work
        • New Places: enter an address and save - it will automatically get geocoded.
        • Existing Places: select the "Re geocode" checkbox and save to force geo-coding
    • Bike Fee Funding
      • Discussion since our last meeting: Discussion about reporting Bike Fee funding - June 12, 2024 (Sarthak, Michael)
      • Decided not to try to add Bike Fee funding to iCAP Portal at this time - instead, upload an Excel file with the data. That will likely give users a more useful way to view the funding data.
    • Archiving projects:
      • What happens to Project Updates associated with an archived project? What should happen?
        • If one or more active projects are still associated with a Project Update, the Project Update should be visible
        • If no active projects (either 0 projects or only archived projects) are associated with a Project Update, should the Project Update be visible? It's much easier not to hide Project Updates in this situation, so hopefully the answer is 'yes' :-)


    • Document plagiarism:
      • The group agreed that if we're going to share documents, there's not much we can do to prevent plagiarism.
      • Only people with certain iCAP Portal permissions can change the official documents on the website, so we're not worried about the official public record - all a malicious user can do is edit a file on their own computer and try to pass it off as legitimate.
      • Sharing documents as images would have accessibility concerns
      • Trying to share documents as view-only would provide minimal protection; it would only require slightly more manual labor to recreate a letterhead than to download and edit an existing document
    • Archiving projects:
      • Using the Published checkbox is probably not the right solution, since we want to allow Archived projects to be publicly visible, just not by default in certain listings
      • Investigate another approach, possibly more like the Public/Private option already in use
    • Bike Fee:
      • Morgan advocates for sharing the Bike Fee info directly on the iCAP Portal rather than a simple Excel file
      • We can probably share Bike Fee info at a much broader level than we were thinking, so it's not too onerous to enter


    • SSC Projects:
      • Finish SSC Project embed
      • Allow more than 3 photos to be seen - e.g. link to separate image gallery page like iCAP Portal Projects?
  6. Weekly Update: Youth Bike Summit

    Associated Project(s): 

    All, Normal week to report on. Over the weekend made some good headway on the last of the abandoned bikes, with the help of the Bike Project and Habitat for Humanity. One of our student staff members is headed to a conference in Italy for the entire month of June, so we’ll miss his insight as a Dutch bike enthusiast. Although,  maybe that is redundant of me to say.

    I will be attending the Youth Bike Summit in Pennsylvania from Thursday – Sunday this week. Should be a good opportunity to dive deep into bike programming of all sorts!

    The numbers:

    Visitors: 19
    Sales: $431
    Bikes (refurb): 1 for $135
    Memberships: 6 for $180
    Tires/tubes: 5 for $24.50


    Jacob Benjamin
    Coordinator -- Campus Bike Center

  7. Update from Yun Yi

    Below is an update from Yun Yi:


    We finally have all the wood panels ready, and we have also designed a very interesting structure to hold the panels.

    We are trying to pick up the fabricated structures and bring them to campus.

    I am hoping to assemble the panels soon and share the final structure in the near future.

  8. Update from Thurman

    Associated Project(s): 

    Below is an update from Thurman Etchison on the Food Purchases from Local Sources project:

    Work is always being done on this but we are nowhere our goal. It is hard to quantify as our prime vendor does not provide info on this.
