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- This form will search for words in the title OR the description. If you would like to search for the same term(s) across both the title and description, enter the same search term(s) in both fields.
- This form will search for any of the words you enter in a field, not the exact phrase you enter. If you would like to search for an exact phrase, put double quotes (") around the phrase. For example, if you search for Bike Path you will get results containing either the word Bike OR the word Path, but if you search for "Bike Path" you will get results containing the exact phrase Bike Path.
- Associated Project(s):
05/03/24 Update
Associated Project(s):Hi Daphne,
Have you had any discussion with Housing dining about piloting composting in their catering operations?
I believe we could encourage them to lead a pilot for that.
Hi Morgan,
I just spoke with Thurman today during our final iCAP ZW team meeting, and he has informed me that Dining will be moving their catering operations from Housing Food Stores to Florida Avenue Residence Hall while HFS undergoes construction. For that year, they will use FAR’s existing Grind2Energy. When they move Catering back to HFS, they intend to have a sixth Grind2Energy installed there and ready to use.
Thank you,
Media Outlet Coverage
Associated Project(s):WCIA: UI Students donate unwanted dorm items for annual Dump and Run
Smile Politely: We need to talk trash
05/13/24 Update
Associated Project(s):We are using the blue bags in all the buildings. That is the expectation but it is possible a few here and there use black bags in containers as we had some complaints on the size didn’t fit.
Mark Kuehl
Hi Mark,
Do you know what the status of the colored bag transition is across the residence halls? E.g., how many have transitioned so far?Thank you,
Daphne5/17 Living Wall Images
Associated Project(s):Please see the attached images of the Living Wall at MEB from May 17th.
Resilience iCAP Team Meeting 4-25-24
Associated Project(s):The Resilience iCAP team met to dicuss current and future objectives for the iCAP.
Meeting Agenda:
Resilience iCAP Team Meeting 3-28-24
Associated Project(s):The Resilience iCAP Team met to discuss the Master Biodiversity Plan, review 2020 iCAP Objectives, and create content for the 2025 iCAP kickoff poster.
Meeting Agenda:
iCAP Kickoff Poster content:
2020 iCAP Objectives Evaluation:
Intentional Endowments Network 2022 Report
Associated Project(s):Attached is a Feb 2022 report from the Intentional Endowments Network which looked at the U of I system's investment policies. The report is entitled, "Commitment to Sustainability: Investment Strategies at the University of Illinois System".
Included is a link to an article discussing the report which states, "The study details how two years after establishing a program to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into investment decisions, an initial allocation of $160 million has grown to $252 million, returning 47% on an annualized basis and outperforming its benchmark (Russell 3000) by 1.2%."
Attached Files:Summer interns started at F&S
Associated Project(s):Myra Stevens, rising Junior in Urban & Regional Planning, and Sepideh Azizi, a rising second year Masters in Urban Planning, started their summer internship at F&S in the Transportation Demand Management (under Capital Programs) department.
Weekly Update: Donation, M/W/F hours
Associated Project(s):All, Slow beginning to the week and a furious finish. Friday was busier than we’ve been in weeks, but we were also down some folks as finals were wrapped up for most people. Made progress on the abandoned bike pile. Habitat for Humanity’s bike rodeo has been a godsend, as we’ve been able to unload some kids/teen-sized bikes on to them in good conscience knowing they’ll be going to a similar cause. We’ve donated nearly a dozen bikes from CBC alone and will probably have more. We’ve received 14 direct donations from folks graduating or not using their bike, going back two weeks.
This week we start our summer hours of M/W/F 2 – 6p.
The numbers:
Visitors: 53
Sales: $678.50
Memberships: 4 for $120
Bikes (refurb): 2 for $275
Tires/tubes: 20 for $158
Thanks!Jacob Benjamin
Coordinator -- Campus Bike CenterEastern Illinois Foodbank results
Associated Project(s):182 lbs of dry food was donated to Eastern Illinois Foodbank during Dump & Run 2024.
Attached Files:April 2024 Prairie Photos
Associated Project(s):April 2024 photos of the Florida Orchard Prairie have been added to the box folder.
April Buyer's Share Report
Associated Project(s):RailSplitter Wind Farm provided the April 2024 Buyer's Share amounts by the hour, totaling 2,750.03 Megawatt hours.
The April 2024 Buyer's Share Report is attached below.
Attached Files:Land & Water iCAP Team April 2024 Meeting
Associated Project(s):The Land & Water iCAP team met on Teams from 1-2 PM on Friday, May 3rd. We reviewed the 2020 objectives and proposed 2025 objectives. Documentation of can be found in Land and Water iCAP 2025 folder of Box linked here:
iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - June 10, 2024
Associated Project(s):Agenda
- Quinn’s updates
- Working on updating the portal during the summer
- Created three tracking sheets that I will share
- Lists include In Progress and Ongoing projects, and metrics
- Used Power Search to generate the lists and get the extra info!
- Have already reached out to folks and received updates for a few In Progress projects
- Power Search:
- Added Power Search page to pull together the various searching and filtering mechanisms currently available on the iCAP Portal site (and used it to group some of these searches on the iCAP Administration Options page)
- Added CSV download options to Power Search: Files and Power Search: Projects
- Recommendations:
- See Recommendations Administration page for links to add new Recommendations and Recommendation Updates, as well as searchable/filterable listings of Recommendations and Recommendation Updates
- New blocks available on project pages, at the bottom of the left-hand sidebar:
- Recommendations are listed on any projects they're associated with
- Recommendations are listed on any projects their associated iCAP Team is associated with
- iCAP Teams are listed on any projects they're associated with
- New iCAP Team content type
- Currently used in Recommendations (for grouping recommendations by associated team) and Project Updates (for assigning Pending Tasks)
- SSC Projects:
- See SSC Projects Administration page for links to add new SSC Projects as well as searchable/filterable listings of SSC Projects.
- Archiving projects
- Instead of adding an Archived/Active state checkbox, I propose we use the built-in "Published" checkbox.
- Pros:
- Built-in, already exists
- No need to update every single display of projects - only displaying published projects already
- Cons:
- Usually an unpublished node would indicate draft content (since we don't have a workflow that requires draft approval, using the Published checkbox seems reasonable)
- Pros:
- Instead of adding an Archived/Active state checkbox, I propose we use the built-in "Published" checkbox.
- Dark Mode??
- ✔️ Clerks should be able to view Pending Tasks
- Archived projects - what happens to Project Updates?
- Quinn’s updates
Discussion about SSC projects in iCAP Portal - May 3, 2024
Associated Project(s):Miriam Keep, Codie Sterner, and Michael McKelvey met to discuss progress on embedding projects from the iCAP Portal on the SSC website.
- Michael's questions:
- Ok to move SSC Projects to full-blown content type?
- Entering funding details options:
- Enter details for each status (Requested, Approved, Allocated, Spent, Relinquished)?
- Pros: can enter very detailed info which could be useful for complicated situations
- Cons: more laborious to enter
- Enter broader details directly into SSC Project record in a single field for each status (less detail allowed, simpler
- Pros: much simpler to enter
- Cons: cannot enter very detailed info; may lose ability to represent multiple funding sources for a project (depending on setup)
- Enter details for each status (Requested, Approved, Allocated, Spent, Relinquished)?
- Do SSC Projects ever have multiple funding sources in a single semester?
- What's the "Other" funding source? (see 2009-2010)
- Combine Semester and Year into one field? Or leave separate?
- Sheri: can we automate entry of data?
- Michael: this might be possible, we can look into this in the future
- SSC Project full-blown content type is a go!
- Prefer option to enter detailed funding info
- Can ignore "Other" funding source, it was used to trick Tableau into displaying funding info correctly
- Leave Semester and Year separate
- Meet next week for final discussions
- Have students start to enter information in the following weeks
- SSC Projects:
- ✔️ Add Image Gallery
- ✔️ Show Image Gallery in main section
- ✔️ Move map to sidebar
- ✔️ Use Featured Image from SSC Project rather than associated iCAP Portal Project
- ✔️ Add Award Expiration date field
- ✔️ Merge Active and Closed into SSC Project Status field (Active, Closed)
- Embed:
- ✔️ Change Project Category to text instead of icon
- ✔️ Show Semester filter only if Year selected (lower priority, can wait until other changes are done)
- Michael's questions:
Zero Waste iCAP Meeting Minutes 5/3/2024
Associated Project(s):The Zero Waste iCAP team met on 5/3/2024 to finalize end-of-year tasks. Group members reviewed their recommendations for the 2025 iCAP, and outlined priorities for AY 2024-25.
Attached Files:Transportation iCAP Team Meeting 5/1/2024
Associated Project(s):The Transportation iCAP Team had their last meeting of the 2023-24 year on 5/1/2024. The Team discussed the final draft of the DESMAN study report, progress on the 2020 Transportation iCAP objectives, potential 2025 Transportation iCAP goals, the end-of-year report, and priorities for next year. Attached is a link to the meeting recording. Thank you all for a great year! It was a pleasure working with you all :)
2024 F&S website information
Associated Project(s):2024 Dump & Run
Apr 12, 2024 | 9:36 am
Recycling containers will be available at the end-of-the-semester to take unneeded, gently used personal items.
Related Pages
Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP) Information
Waste Transfer Station Tour Form
The university’s end-of-the-semester Dump & Run ® event is expanding to multiple campus locations to make it easier for students and others at the U of I to donate unwanted personal items (no university property will be allowed) at the end of the semester and prevent useful belongings from reaching the landfill prematurely.
From Monday, May 6 to Sunday, May 12, eight 20’ x 8’mobile storage units will be placed near campus residence halls where students can put surplus or gently used items into bulk boxes inside the containers. Each day, the containers will be open for donations from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (see the container locations, schedule, and approved items list below). Throughout the week, the donations will be picked up by local participating charities Salt & Light, Habitat for Humanity of Champaign County, the Eastern Illinois Foodbank, and Goodwill.
- Barton Hall/Flagg Hall/Weston Hall/Student Dining and Residential Programs Building
- Florida Avenue Residence Halls (Oglesby Hall)
- Hopkins Hall
- Illinois Street Residence Halls (Wardall Hall)
- Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls (Allen Hall)*
- Pennsylvania Avenue Residence Halls (Babcock Hall)
- Sherman Hall
*Please note the transfer of university property will not be allowed. The management or disposal of university-procured items must be in accordance with all applicable State and U of I policies and guidelines (e.g., FABweb and the University Surplus Warehouse). For more information about those processes and operations visit
- Accessories (handbags, belts, scarves, hats, etc.)
- Appliances – small to medium size (coffee makers, kettles, mini-fridges, microwaves, etc.)
- Books
- Collectibles/antiques
- Computers and equipment (printers, cables, speakers, hard drives, monitors, etc.)
- Clothing (rips and tears are okay – but must be washed)
- Electronics
- Food (nonperishable, unopened – even if past the expiration date)
- Furniture
- Housewares (dishes, mirrors, decorative accessories, etc.)
- Jewelry
- Linens
- Lamps
- Multimedia (DVDs, CDs, records, etc.)
- Shoes
- TVs (flat screen only)
- Broken items (appliances, computers and equipment, furniture, housewares) etc. – anything that is not really in selling condition
- Perishable or opened foods and beverages
- Mattresses or box springs
- Cleaning products
- Hazardous materials (paint, aerosols, chemicals, alcohols)
Dump & Run 2024 Announcement
Associated Project(s):The university’s end-of-the-semester Dump & Run® event returns next week, making it easy for students and others on campus to donate unwanted personal items at the end of the semester.
From Monday, May 6, to Sunday, May 12, eight 20′ x 8′ mobile storage units will be placed near residence halls where individuals can donate extra or gently used items by putting them into bulk boxes inside the containers. Visit the F&S website to view a map of container locations and a list of accepted and prohibited items. Unopened, nonperishable food will also be accepted this year at each site.
All donations will be collected by local participating charities the Eastern Illinois Foodbank, Goodwill, Habitat for Humanity of Champaign County, and Salt & Light. In 2023, more than 19,780 pounds of goods were kept from reaching the landfill and returned to the local circular economy thanks to participants.
Dump & Run is a collaboration between the University YMCA, University Housing, and F&S to achieve campus sustainability goals, such as reaching zero waste targets and preventing trash from reaching waterways and landscapes. For more information, contact Daphne Hulse, 217-333-7550.
University Property Notice
The transfer of university property will not be allowed. The management or disposal of university-procured items must be in accordance with all applicable State of Illinois and U of I policies and guidelines (e.g., FABweb and the University Surplus Warehouse). For more information about those processes and operations, go to
Dump & Run is a registered trademark of the University YMCA.