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Projects Updates for Sustainability iCAP Portal

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  • This form will search for words in the title OR the description. If you would like to search for the same term(s) across both the title and description, enter the same search term(s) in both fields.
  • This form will search for any of the words you enter in a field, not the exact phrase you enter. If you would like to search for an exact phrase, put double quotes (") around the phrase. For example, if you search for Bike Path you will get results containing either the word Bike OR the word Path, but if you search for "Bike Path" you will get results containing the exact phrase Bike Path.


  1. Engagement002 iCAP Portal Redesign - Submitted (renamed Engagement002 Take Action Weblink)

    The Engagement iCAP Team submitted Engagement002 iCAP Portal Redesign recommendation, outlined as follows:

    "Hire a graphic/web design student intern to develop a simple and more organized website to increase university community engagement on the iCAP Portal."

    The recommendation is attached. 

  2. iCAP Portal Admin Meeting - June 24, 2022

    Associated Project(s): 
    • Michael will look into automation options for filling in the Menu Settings Parent Item (for breadcrumbs) automatically from the Project Parent field
    • Michael will also look at possibilities for expanding the menu length, beyond the built in limit that drupal includes by default
    • The menu settings
    • Is there a way to make sure every project has "sticky at top of lists" automatically? Michael will check - Drupal treats them all as a node, so he can see if Projects can start with "sticky" by default
    • He fixed the image rotation issue
  3. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting

    The Engagement iCAP Team met on Friday, March 25 with Morgan White and Michael McKelvey to discuss the strengths and opportunities for updating the iCAP Portal. Potential recommendations will be clarified at their next meeting, including a How-To page, aesthetic changes, and utilizing analytics. Meeting minutes are attached.

  4. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting

    The Engagement iCAP Team met on Friday, March 25 with Morgan White and Michael McKelvey to discuss the strengths and opportunities for updating the iCAP Portal. Potential recommendations will be clarified at their next meeting, including a How-To page, aesthetic changes, and utilizing analytics. Meeting minutes are attached.

  5. Engagement iCAP Team Meeting

    The Engagement iCAP Team met on Friday, February 18 to discuss current ongoing recommendations, including: Sustainability TikTok challenge, College of Engineering Sustainability Leaders Learning Session, and a Sustainability Partnership with the ADV498 Advertising Capstone Course. Meeting minutes are attached.

  6. iCAP Portal project entries

    We would prefer to keep the ability to add new projects to a very limited few people.  Instead of giving Liz access to add a project, let’s get a quick process to add them upon her request. 

    1)      Please email me, Meredith, and Sarthak with a short project description, and the proposed new iCAP Project location in the hierarchy. 

    2)      Meredith and/or I will confirm the placement in the hierarchy.

    3)      Sarthak will add a blank private project as a placeholder and email you.

  7. Adding Projects

    Associated Project(s): 

    Upon Sarthak Prasad's request to give project addition privileges to Liz Mendoza-Hernandez, Morgan White laid out a process to add projects upon Liz's request.

    1. Email Morgan, Meredith, and Sarthak with a strong project description, and the proposed new iCAP Project location in the hierarchy 

    2. Meredith and/or Morgan will confirm the placement in the hierarchy. 

    3. Sarthak will add a blank private project as a placeholder and email Liz. 

    4. Liz or anyone in the SSC with access with fill in the project information and change it to public. 

  8. Real-time energy dashboards now available

    After discussions with Michael McKelvey at MSTE and Aaron Mason and Ian Bonadeo at Hawkeye Energy Solutions, since Morgan White put them in contact back in April, the ECE building’s energy dashboards are now available without requiring a login and via domain name rather than IP address! Here are the dashboards:

    ECE Building – Energy Dashboard

    ECE Building – Net Zero Energy Dashboard

  9. iCAP Portal Website Organization - Project Hierarchy Organization

    Associated Project(s): 

    On July 6, 2021, Morgan White, Meredith Moore, Sarthak Prasad, and Avery Maloto met to discuss the organization of the iCAP Portal. Topics discussed include: (1) Language, (2) Hierarchy of the Project Lists, and (3) General Organization.

    The minutes from this meeting, as well as a log of tracked changes, are included in the attached file.


  10. Sustainability Council Meeting 4-28-21

    The Sustainability Council met on April 28, 2021 and discussed the following: 

    • iCAP Dashboard
    • Post-pandemic Implications for iCAP 
    • Student Sustainability Leadership Council
    • Engagement001: General Education Board Sustainability Task Committee
    • Land Management
    • Overview of F&S Energy Management Plan 
    • Energy004: ACES Energy Performance Contract 

    See PowerPoint attached.
