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Conclusion; Lessons learned; Issues encountered

Posted by Sarthak Prasad on July 7, 2021

The Bike Shelter was installed North of the Flagg Hall in June 2021. The structure dimensions are 14' x 63' with 6.5' height on one side and 8' on the other side. The bike shelter utilizes Side Stage (vertical) bike racks and can accommodate up to 73 bicycles. Due to manufacturing error, the structure is 2' short and because of this, one side (south side wall) of this bike shelter cannot accommodate bicycles on the top tier. The top tier on this side of the bike shelter will be blocked off using signs. The original capacity of this bike shelter was 96.

There were several issues with this project:

  1. miscommunications between the vendor and the University staff
  2. lack of communication between the university staff and the Architecture Review Committee (ARC), which resulted in the purchase of a very large structure and, subsequently, change in the desired location for this structure
  3. staff change during the project
  4. lack of proper records and details about the project by the university staff in the beginning
  5. covid-19 pandemic resulted in some delay in this project as well
  6. miscommunications between the vendor and their manufacturers and engineering staff - which resulted in the delivery of wrong components and items of the structure. The structural design as reviewed and approved by the University was not what we received and the vendor did not rectify the error.
  7. missing components from the structure - there were several missing parts that the University had to cover (see the invoice for missing hardware). The University had to cover the cost of new Plexiglass as well as the missing roofing.
  8. descrepencies between the structural design, installation instructions, and the final delivery caused many more issues
    1. the structure was overall 2' shorter, i.e. the south wall of the bike shelter was supposed to be 8.5' high and the north was supposed to be 10' high, however, the after the construction, south wall and north wall came to be 6' and 8.5' high respectively. This descrepency caused the top tier of the south wall to be unusable.
    2. the original design called for Double-Docker style of bike racks, however, they had to be replaced with the Side Stage (vertical) bike racks
  9. vendor was sent the invoice for missing hardware, however, the vendor has not responded
  10. Awful customer support from the vendor

There were issues at every stage of this project, which was not helped with the non-cooperative customer support at Ground Control Systems. Learn more about the installation cost using the AiM account for this project: 6043.