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Projects Updates for Bike Shelter at Flagg Hall

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  1. Achievements in Transportation - Insider article

    The August 26, 2022 issue of Insider featured the "Achievements in Transportation". Read the article online at or see below.

    Achievements in Transportation

    Be it walking, bicycling, taking transit, or driving vehicles, getting around the campus is done more sustainably than ever.

    The F&S Transportation Demand Management (TDM) department creates, maintains, and coordinates the overall transportation network for all modes of travel. TDM implements campus and community policies and plans, like objectives in the Illinois Climate Action Plan (iCAP).

    “Safe and sensible transportation, in all its forms and complexities, is essential to a functioning campus,” said Stacey DeLorenzo, transportation systems manager.

    Read the full Transportation Demand Management Plan FY22 Achievement Report on the F&S website.

    Students walking to Quad on Centennial Plaza in spring between the Chemistry Annex and Noyes Laboratory.

    Key achievements include:

    Asset Management Plan

    • $1.25M was allocated for pavement maintenance and improvement projects, starting in FY22.
      • Pennsylvania Ave – Asphalt patching West of Maryland: $98,471.81
      • First and Peabody – Concrete patching: $47,866.28
      • College Ct westbound lane near PAR – Concrete patching: $42,055
      • Campus-wide – Spray injection: $25,000
      • Campus-wide – Crack sealing: $25,000
    • F&S TDM is responsible for the 2014 Campus Bicycle Master Plan. The department installed the campus’ first bicycle shelter, removed abandoned bicycle paths, and enhanced bicycle facilities.
    • Installed bicycle and pedestrian counters by Eco-Counters at 4 campus locations, with more planned soon. Learn more at Pedestrian and Bicycle Counts.


    TDM educates and encourages students, faculty, and staff to use active modes of transportation. TDM evaluates and plans campus infrastructure to create a safe environment.

    The Bike at Illinois website features information on bicycle education and facilities, bike sharing, registration, safety, and more. The F&S website includes information on walking, MTD buses, accessibility, and car-share options.


    The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is home to some of the world’s brightest researchers and students. The phrase “an active partner in research, teaching, and learning” added to the F&S mission, to academic collaborations. Working with researchers is an essential component to the future of F&S, and a major theme emphasized in the F&S Strategic Plan. F&S collaborates with students and researchers to envision the campus as a living lab and implement research to see the impact with real-world application.

    All INSIDER stories on F&S academic collaborations, visit

    Can pavement construction use food waste?
    Dr. Lance Schideman (ISTC), Dr. Yuanhui Zhang (ABE), and Dr. Ramez Hajj (CEE) use bio-oil produced from food waste as a rejuvenator for asphalt. F&S is collaborating with these researchers to implement this technology on campus pavement in the near future.

    Do students collaborate with F&S?
    The TDM department collaborated with more than 25 students in the last year to help with class projects, research, or interests in transportation systems on campus.

    Walkability Audit
    F&S conducted a thorough walkability audit. Nearly 75 volunteers collected data for the following surveys: a) Walkability Audit survey, which focused on the general walkability of the campus (macro level), and b) Deficiency Reporting survey, which focused on identifying specific faults on campus (micro level analysis). Sutapa Banerjee, a master’s student in urban planning, analyzed the walkability audit survey to determine the “walk index” of 76.2 for the campus. The deficiency reporting survey data and ADA transition plan supplement will improve accessibility on-campus.

    Those involved: Sutapa Banerjee (MUP-2 student), Dr. Lindsay Braun and Dr. Bumsoo Lee (Department of Urban and Regional Planning), Mylinda Netherton (Disability Resources Educational Services), Allison Kushner (Office of Access & Equity), Ryan Welch (F&S Grounds), Brent Lewis (F&S Capital Programs), and Chad Kupferschmid and Justin Pinnell (F&S Facilities Information Resources).

  2. Data-driven approach for a new bike shelter on campus - presentation by Pranjali Shah (MUP-1)

    Associated Project(s): 

    Pranjali Shah, first year Master in Urban Planning student, presented a data-driven approach to determine the best location for a new bicycle shelter for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign campus. She developed a model based on bike rack capacity, bike theft data, and bicycle census count data. This model can be used by any university or campus.

    See attached her presentation here. Also, view the meeting recording here:

    Attached Files: 
  3. University's first ever Bike Shelter installed!

    Associated Project(s): 

    A first of its kind at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, a 14’x63’ covered Bike Shelter has been installed and is ready for use in the Ikenberry Commons area between Flagg Hall and Noble Hall. It can accommodate up to 96 bicycles at a time utilizing side stage (vertical) bike racks.

    See attached the pictures from first week of August!

  4. Conclusion; Lessons learned; Issues encountered

    Associated Project(s): 

    The Bike Shelter was installed North of the Flagg Hall in June 2021. The structure dimensions are 14' x 63' with 6.5' height on one side and 8' on the other side. The bike shelter utilizes Side Stage (vertical) bike racks and can accommodate up to 73 bicycles. Due to manufacturing error, the structure is 2' short and because of this, one side (south side wall) of this bike shelter cannot accommodate bicycles on the top tier. The top tier on this side of the bike shelter will be blocked off using signs. The original capacity of this bike shelter was 96.

    There were several issues with this project:

    1. miscommunications between the vendor and the University staff
    2. lack of communication between the university staff and the Architecture Review Committee (ARC), which resulted in the purchase of a very large structure and, subsequently, change in the desired location for this structure
    3. staff change during the project
    4. lack of proper records and details about the project by the university staff in the beginning
    5. covid-19 pandemic resulted in some delay in this project as well
    6. miscommunications between the vendor and their manufacturers and engineering staff - which resulted in the delivery of wrong components and items of the structure. The structural design as reviewed and approved by the University was not what we received and the vendor did not rectify the error.
    7. missing components from the structure - there were several missing parts that the University had to cover (see the invoice for missing hardware). The University had to cover the cost of new Plexiglass as well as the missing roofing.
    8. descrepencies between the structural design, installation instructions, and the final delivery caused many more issues
      1. the structure was overall 2' shorter, i.e. the south wall of the bike shelter was supposed to be 8.5' high and the north was supposed to be 10' high, however, the after the construction, south wall and north wall came to be 6' and 8.5' high respectively. This descrepency caused the top tier of the south wall to be unusable.
      2. the original design called for Double-Docker style of bike racks, however, they had to be replaced with the Side Stage (vertical) bike racks
    9. vendor was sent the invoice for missing hardware, however, the vendor has not responded
    10. Awful customer support from the vendor

    There were issues at every stage of this project, which was not helped with the non-cooperative customer support at Ground Control Systems. Learn more about the installation cost using the AiM account for this project: 6043.

  5. Archived description: Bike Shelter at Flagg Hall

    Associated Project(s): 

    This Bike Shelter is 14' x 63', and it can accommodate up to 84 bicycles in two tiers. It was purchased from Ground Control Systems in 2018, and was initially planned to be installed to the West of Main Library. However, due to contruction conflicts, the location had to be changed. In 2019, several locations were identified and examined, for example, the Psychology Building and North of Henry Aministration Building (HAB). The HAB location was more suitable since it was a high demand area, however, the Bike Shelter was too big for the location, and the Architecture Review Committee (ARC) denied the location, citing the conflict of this structure with beautification of the main Quad.

    In November 2019, North of Flagg Hall was identified as the new location for the bike shelter and it was approved by ARC. The bike shelter is expected to be installed and ready to use by the end of November 2020.